
Create spacing between components with ease 💅

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import componentSpacing from '';



Create spacing between components with ease 💅


When I develop UI for platforms with a CMS there is often a need for a system where the CMS Author or developer can create spacing (margins and/or paddings) between components. This package provides a way to configure and manage these spacings manually or through classes added by a CMS.

Base example:

If you just want to get started and have everything installed you can just copy this and change/modify:

@import "~component-spacing";

$componentSpacing: (
  none: 0,
  small: 20px, 
  medium: 40px,
  large: 80px,

// The following variables are default so only copy them if you want to adjust them.
// This will create classNames like '.margin-top-large'
$defaultComponentPadding: none;
$defaultComponentMargin: none;

$spacingDirections: (top: 'top', bottom: 'bottom');
$marginClassName: 'margin';
$marginClassName: 'padding';

// If you want to create classNames you can use normal classNames or appended to its parent.
// .margin-top-large or [data-component].margin-top-large

@include create-spacing-styles();

[data-component] {
  @include create-appended-spacing-styles();

// if you want to use the component spacing in scss you can use the mixins like so:
.foo-component {
  @include component-margin(large);
  @include component-padding(none, medium);


$ yarn add component-spacing
$ npm i -S component-spacing

And import it in your main scss files (mind the ~)

@import "~component-spacing";

After that you can configure your settings


Creating spacings

component-spacing has been created in a way that it's flexible and easy to configure. You can create a map of keys and values for spacing.

$componentSpacing: (
  none: 0,
  small: 20px, 
  normal: 30px,
  large: 40px,

For both the padding and margin there is a way to use different names and values. 🤟🏼

$componentMargin: (none: 0, default: 20px);
$componentPadding: (none: 0, default: 40px, insane: 20vh);

If there is no $componentMargin or $componentPadding it will fallback to $componentSpacing.

Spacing Values

The values of these spacings don't have to be pixel values. It's perfectly fine to use custom properties, or fluid values

$componentSpacing: (
  none: 0,
  small: var(--spacing-small),
  default: 20vh,
  insane: clamp(20px, 100vh, 2000px),

Setting defaults for scss

If during development you encounter a situation where you have a default value other than none you can consider configuring this by setting $defaultComponentMargin and $defaultComponentPadding to a different key:

$defaultComponentMargin: none;
$defaultComponentPadding: medium;

[data-component="rich-text"] {
  @include component-padding(); // medium padding
  @include component-margin(); // no margin

Configuring class names

In case the spacings are handled by a CMS it can be useful to dynamically render your configuration. This package lets you do that by configuring the output. With a mixin you can create those classes dynamically based on your configuration.

$componentSpacing: (
  none: 0,
  normal: 30px,

@include create-spacing-styles;

This will output the following class names (for the sake of example the styles are not shown):

.margin-none {}

.margin-normal {}

.margin-top-none {}

.margin-bottom-none {}

.margin-top-normal {}

.margin-bottom-normal {}

.padding-none {}

.padding-normal {}

.padding-top-none {}

.padding-bottom-none {}

.padding-top-normal {}

.padding-bottom-normal {}

If you only need margins or paddings you could also use the mixins create-padding-styles or create-margin-styles.

If you want to create more specificity you can use a nested mixin:

[data-component] {
  @include create-appended-spacing-styles();

Which will not nest the styles but append it to the parent:

[data-component].padding-bottom-none {


A quick example of how to use this library (after configuration)

This can be done by the developer by:

[data-component="hero"] {
  @include component-margin(large);
  @include component-padding(medium);

// It's possible to have a different spacing for top and bottom by adding a second argument
[data-component="footer"] {
  @include component-margin(large, none);
  @include component-padding(medium, large);

Or handled by the backend by adding classes that are compiled:

[data-component] {
  @include create-appended-spacing-styles();
<section class="padding-medium margin-top-none margin-bottom-large" data-component="hero"></section>

There are also options to only add appended styles for margins and paddings:

[data-component] {
  @include create-appended-margin-styles();
  @include create-appended-padding-styles();

Renaming class names

You can rename the class names. The name is build up from three pieces. Let's take the margin as an example: .margin-top-medium. The class name is built up with the following variables:

$componentMargin: (
  none: 0,
  small: 30px,
  medium: 60px,
  large: 120px,

$spacingDirections: (
  top: 'top',
  bottom: 'bottom',

$marginClassName: 'margin';

If you need a class name like:

.inner-spacing-start-medium {
.outer-spacing-end-large {

You would create the following configuration:

$spacingDirections: (
  top: 'start',
  bottom: 'end',

$marginClassName: 'inner-spacing';

If you are not able to use custom properties, math functions (like clamp()) or relative values (😔) you might need to use this as a last resort:

$mobileSpacings: (
  none: 0,
  small: 10px,
  large: 30px,

$desktopSpacings: (
  none: 0,
  small: 60px,
  large: 120px,

[data-component] {
  @include create-appended-spacing-styles($mobileSpacings);
  @media ('min-width: 1024px') {
    @include create-appended-spacing-styles($desktopSpacings);   


-[ ] Create a version with logical properties instead of -top/-bottom values -[ ] Create support for horizontal spacing for side scrolling websites -[ ] Test Test Test -[ ] Add more configuration options

  • Create config for directions