
Concatenates all license files of node modules used in a project into a single text file.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import concatLicenses from '';


NPM License Concatenator

Looking to make an electron app and can't be bothered with putting together licenses?

This package searches for licenses in node project dependencies and creates a library license file that can be used for redistributable packages.

This package is based off davglass/license-checker and uses its functionalities for finding licenses.

With the detection of licenses, it follows davglass/license-checker, with the exception that guesses are enabled for explicitly named LICENSE files only. Any other license guesses such as from README are not allowed and will produce a warning. A warning is also given if the file is missing or inaccessable.


Writing to file

npm install -g concat-licenses
cd /path/to/work/dir
concat-licenses LICENSE.lib.txt


cd /path/to/work/dir
npx concat-licenses LICENSE.lib.txt

Logging to console

npm install -g concat-licenses
cd /path/to/work/dir


cd /path/to/work/dir
npx concat-licenses


Usage: concat-licenses [/path/to/output] [options]

  --version                 Displays version information               [boolean]
  --help                    Show help                                  [boolean]
  --ignoreMissing           Ignore packages that are missing licenses (supresses
                            warnings)                                  [boolean]
  --allowGuess              Allow guessed licenses from README and COPYING files
                            (otherwise warns)
  --includeCurrent          Include the license of the main package in the
                            concatenated licence
  --title                   Title to include on the output file.
                           [string] [[default: "LICENSES FOR SOFTWARE PACKAGES"]
  --start                   Set package directory to start from
                                               [string] [default: process.cwd()]
  --production              Only include production dependencies       [boolean]
  --development             Only include development dependencies      [boolean]
  --packages                Only include licenses from semicolon-seperated list
                            of packages                                 [string]
  --excludePackages         Exclude licenses from semicolon-seperated list of
                            packages                                    [string]
  --excludePrivatePackages  Exclude licenses from any package marked as private
  --direct                  Include licenses from direct dependencies only

Module Use

The package can be required for use in another node module. One async function is exposed for use. Async functions return a promise, so the .then() syntax can also be used.

const concatLicenses = require("concat-licenses").concat;

(async () => {
  const output = await concatLicenses({
    ignoreMissing: false,
    allowGuess: false,
    includeCurrent: false,
    start: process.cwd(),
    production: false,
    development: false,
    packages: "",
    excludePackages: "",
    excludePrivatePackages: "",
    direct: false,

The output will be the formatted text string that is usually written to a file.