
Simple environment-dependent config tool. Make your own env-based config easy.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import confa from '';



Simple environment-dependent config tool. Make your own env-based config easy.


npm i confa

const Confa = require('confa');
const confa = Confa();

confa.add('key', 'value'); // value
confa.add('another_key', 'default_value', {
    dev: 'dev_value',
    rc: 'rc_value',
    prod: 'prod_value'
// default_value

confa.make(); // { key: 'value', another_key: 'default_value' }
confa.make('dev'); // { key: 'value', another_key: 'dev_value' }
confa.make('rc'); // { key: 'value', another_key: 'rc_value' }
confa.make('banana'); // { key: 'value', another_key: 'default_value' }


Return new confa tool with predefined environment (not required)

environment affects on the returned result of .add method

.add(key, value, [extension])

Just add any value (number, string, boolean, object) to a key

.add(key, value, [extension])

extension allows you to return the dependent value

Returns value that depends on predefined environment in Confa or default value

const confa = Confa('prod');
confa.add('key', 'value', { prod: 'prod_value' }); // prod_value


Returns the specific {key: value} object basing on the environment or state

.make() -> default values

.make('special') -> special values

Make JSON config great again