
Live updating and management of config across your stack in NodeJS.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import configLive from '';



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Config-live takes away the pain of reloading your NodeJS applications when configurations change. It uses a simple implementation of external caching and pub/sub for updates.

Right now config-live uses Redis for it's caching of config key/values and pub/sub features. Bringing your own caching and pub/sub is in the works and will be implemented as addons.

Props to Stack Overflow for their NFig package that has inspired this!

Important things to note:

  • NodeJS 4+ required
  • No authentication is built in this package yet. e.g. username/password
  • This module assumes that you are on a per environment setup. (One Redis instance per environment)


npm i -S config-live

Example Usage

Using the config module.

const config     = require('config'); // if you are using config
const ConfigLive = require('config-live');
const configLive = new ConfigLive('localhost', 6379);

// config is an object

configLive.on('error', err => {

configLive.on('started', cfg => {
    // since the config module is global, this is useful for a fully merged update
    config.util.extendDeep(config, cfg);

// you can listen to the full updated config
configLive.on('updated', cfg => {
    // do something here?

// or you can listen to a specific simple key being updated
configLive.on('mykey-updated', value => {
    // can do something with new value

// or you can listen to a specific nested key being updated
configLive.on('mykey.mysecondkey-updated', value => {
    // can do something with new value

// single key set
configLive.set('mykey', 'myvalue');

// nested object key set
configLive.set('mykey.mysecondkey', 'myvalue');


DEBUG=config-live* node myapp.js

More documentation coming soon!