
AvlTree implementation in JavaScript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import containerAvltree from '';



AvlTree implementation in Javascript

To manage a pool of sorted elements. Complexity in O(log2(n)) for addition and removal.

List of methods and their time complexity

Method Time Complexity
add O(log2(n))
removeByReference O(log2(n))
getCount O(1)
popSmallest O(log2(n))
popGreatest O(log2(n))
getSmallestAbove O(log2(n))
getGreatestBelow O(log2(n))
forEach O(n * p)
forEachReverse O(n * p)
toArray O(n)
clear O(n)


  • n is the number of elements in the tree
  • p is the complexity of the processing function.

API usage

To instantiate a new tree:

// In this example, myTree will hold elements sorted by zIndex
function myComparisonFunction(a, b) {
    return a.zIndex - b.zIndex;

var myTree = new AvlTree(myComparisonFunction);

To add an element:

var myObjectReference = myTree.add(myObject); // O(log2(n))

To remove an element:

myTree.removeByReference(myObjectReference); // O(log2(n))

To apply a treatment on all the elements in sorted ordered:

myTree.forEach(function (object) {

To apply a treatment on all the elements in opposite sorted ordered:

myTree.forEachReverse(function (object) {

To get the smallest element greater or equal to a given object:

var myObjectAbove = myTree.getSmallestAbove({ zIndex: 4 }); // O(log2(n))

To get the greatest element smaller or equal to a given object:

var myObjectBelow = myTree.getGreatestBelow({ zIndex: 4 }); // O(log2(n))

To convert into an array:

var myArray = myTree.toArray(); // O(n)

To get the number of elements in the tree:

var nbElements = myTree.length;