
Interact with your content and update it with ease!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import contentEditableJs from '';


Content Editable JS

Content editable helps you to interact with your HTML content. Just add some attributes and let the magic happen!

Basic usage

Please note that library should not be used in production yet!

Add the library

<!-- With CDN -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Locally -->
<script src="dist/content-editable.js"></script>

Note: If you want to integrate content-editable-js to your own JS app, use npm npm install content-editable-js --save

Call the library

<script type="text/javascript">
let editable = contentEditable({
    // (default: true) Auto show the editor when initialized
    showOnInit: true,
    // (default: false) Show debug infos
    debug: true,
    // (default: null) URL called to save your content
    defaultEndpoint: '',
    // (default: {}) Additional headers sent to your endpoint
    headers: {
        'Authorization': 'Bearer your-token'

Prepare your HTML

<h4 data-editable="title">Hello world!</h4>

<img src="..." data-editable="picture" data-editable-is-image />

<p data-editable="paragraph" data-editable-is-text>
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet            



An Editable is an HTML element that can be edited.

  • data-editable="KEY"
    Where KEY is the name of the editable.

  • data-editable-type="TYPE"
    Where TYPE is the type of the editable. Optional.

Name Description
text (default) Simple text element without HTML
html Simple element with HTML content
image Simple image content


A Group is a collection of editables which are sent together to a same endpoint. Groups must be configured at the parent of your editables.

  • data-group="KEY"
    Where KEY is the name of the group. It must be unique.

  • data-group-endpoint="URL"
    Where URL is your endpoint for the included editables.


<table data-group="openings" data-group-endpoint="http://your.url/openings/edit">
    <td data-editable="week-days">Monday to Friday</td>
    <td data-editable="week-hours">8am to 8pm</td>
    <td data-editable="weekend-days">Saturday</td>
    <td data-editable="weekend-hours">10am to 7pm</td>


The function contentEditable() returns an App instance with some methods:

Method Description
show() Show the app and init editables
hide() Hide the app


Editable types



Recorder is in charge to post changes to your endpoints. When initializing you can replace the default one. Just bring your own object (or class) with just a function named save(changes = []).

let contentEditable = contentEditable({ /* your config */ })

  save(changes = [], endpoint = null) {
      /* My logic */


The toolbar is the default component responsible for showing edit buttons. You can replace it at the initialization. Just implement an object with the functions show() and hide(). The library will hide the default one immediatly and replace it with your own.

let contentEditable = contentEditable({ /* your config */ })

  show() { /* My logic */ },
  hide() { /* My logic */ }  


For now, this library is translated in English and French. Localizations are hard-coded in src/classes/i18n.js.

Note that the locale is based on the HTML lang attribute.


You can easily develop your own backend (in PHP, node.js, etc...), when changes are made, your endpoint will be reached with a POST request, containing:

  • Your configured headers
  • Array of objects containing the editable name and the editable value


This library provides a basic PHP server to test your integration. Clone this repo and just run the following PHP command at the root:

php -S

You now have the access to:


Content Editable is built for modern web browsers. No supports for IE. For bugs and suggestions, open an issue here.


Feel free to make a PR! Once cloned, use these commands:

npm install # or yarn install
npm run dev # or npm run watch
npm run prod # before commit 
