GitHub Contributions
A TypeScript library for the GitHub Contribution Graph.
Get the contributions for a GitHub user, by name:
const contributions = await Contributions.forUser('ethomson');
Get the days in the contribution graph:
const days = contributions.getDays();
You can iterate and inspect the data in each day:
Get the date, a string in
Get the number of contributions on that day:
Get the contribution intensity for the day, which is the number 0-4, where 0 indicates no contributions, and 4 is the most contributions. This maps to the color used to indicate the contribution count for the graph.
Get the color, a string in hexadecimal
format, that GitHub used for displaying this day in the contribution graph (this maps directly to the "intensity" level for the day:
Add the contributions
package (eg, npm install contributions
). Then:
const { Contributions } = require('contributions')
const contributions = await Contributions.forUser('ethomson');
const days = contributions.getDays();
for (let day of days) {
console.log(`${day.getDate()}: ${day.getIntensity()}`);
contributions is released under the MIT license.
See the license file for the full license text.