
conventional-changelog preset with emojis

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import conventionalChangelogEmojis from '';



buid buid version MIT License

Use emojis in your commit message for fun and profit!

Emojis Message Convention

The convention is based on Angular's Commit Message Guidelines.

<emoji>  <subject>

You can find the supported emojis and their meaning here.


Appears under "Features" header, pencil subheader:

✨ add 'graphiteWidth' option

Appears under "Bug Fixes" header, graphite subheader, with a link to issue #28:

🐛 stop graphite breaking when width < 0.1

Closes #28

Smart Commit Support

This preset supporst mulitple smart commit formats.

GitHub, Gitlab, Bitbucket, ...

If a smart commit references an issue with the # prefix (This is supported by conventional-changelog by default) they will be linked in the generated changelog.

Jira, ...

If a smart commit references an issue with the ABC- prefix they will be linked in the generated changelog.

Different issue tracker URL

If your issue tracker has a different URL than your repository (e.g. your using Bitbucket and track issues in Jira), you can specify this in your package.json via the bugs.url field.

This preset supports Jira Smart Commits

Based on the conventional-changelog-angular preset.