
Express middleware for dynamically setting the cookie domain.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cookieDomain from '';


Build Status NPM version David DM

Express middleware for wrapping res.cookie to use some sane defaults for the cookie config.

// Assuming the host is ''
var express = require('express');
var cookieDomain = require('cookie-domain');
var app = express();

 *  You can also pass global overrides into cookieDomain
 *  app.use(cookieDomain({ maxAge: 86400 });

app.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
  // Set a cookie using some sane defaults: { domain: '', path: '/', maxAge: 31536000000 })
  res.cookie('a', 1);

  // Or override the defaults
  res.cookie('b', 1, { maxAge: 86400 });

  // Express will use maxAge over expires, but cookie-domain will remove maxAge and pass expires if you tell it to
  res.cookie('c', 1, { expires: false });

  // Pass false to tell cookie-domain not to pass options at all.
  res.cookie('d', 1, false);

  res.send('hello world');

Installation and Environment Setup

Install node.js (See download and install instructions here:

Clone this repository

> git clone

cd into the directory and install the dependencies

> cd cookie-domain
> npm install && npm shrinkwrap --dev

Running Tests

Install coffee-script

> npm install coffee-script -g

Tests are run using grunt. You must first globally install the grunt-cli with npm.

> sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

Unit Tests

To run the tests, just run grunt

> grunt spec