GDPR Cookie Setting
Inspired by passatgt
This is a javascript solution to show a gdpr compliant cookie notice on your website.
Check this site for a quick demo: Link
<script src=></script>
const gdpr = gdprCookieNotice({
essential: ['PHPSSID','LANG'] // name of essential cookie
locale: 'en', // language ("en", "de")
colorPrimary: '#ff0000', // change primary color (used in button and radio)
colorSecondary: '#000000', // change secondary color (used in link)
iconColor: '#ffffff', // change icon color
policy: "", // cookie policy link
performance: ["JSESSIONID"],
marketing: ["SSID"],
googleAnalytic: "UA-MOCK", // google analytics UID
disabledPath: ["/term-and-privacy"],
**Note: coolie handler gdpr script should be placed before google analytic **
esm module
yarn add cookie-handler-gdpr
import { gdprCookieNotice } from "cookie-handler-gdpr/dist/esm";
const gdpr = gdprCookieNotice({
essential: ['PHPSSID','LANG'] // name of essential cookie
locale: "en", // language ("en", "de")
colorPrimary: "#ff0000", // change primary color (used in button and radio)
colorSecondary: "#000000", // change secondary color (used in link)
iconColor: "#ffffff", // change icon color
policy: "", // cookie policy link
performance: ["JSESSIONID"],
marketing: ["SSID"],
googleAnalytic: "UA-MOCK", // google analytics UID
ga:, // if you use ReactGa, provide ga instance via to ga option
Switch Language Dynamically
Language Key
en = English
de = Deutsch
Custom position
You can use 'cookie-handler-gdpr' as id or class name to custom dialog position.
Custom font-family
You can use prop 'fontFamily' to set font style
const gdpr = gdprCookieNotice({
fontFamily: "Roboto, san serif"