It is a pure JS code, that warns the visitors in the notification bar, the page saves cookies. This is Compliant with the new EU cookie law.
Because of the changes in the (EU Cookie Law), the website operators must inform the visitors about the site's use of cookies.
This simple script is free of dependencies, does not require use of framework. The minimalized version is less than 5 Kb. The Cookie bar gives the opportunity for the guest to know about active cookie usage.
If you use jQuery, it might be worth trying: jquery.cookiebar.
Getting started
- Using npm:
$ npm install cookiebar
- Using bower:
$ bower install cookiebar
or download latest release from github.
Include header (all pages)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/cookiebar.min.css" media="screen" charset="utf-8">
and include footer, before close </body>
tag (all pages)
<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/cookiebar.min.js"></script>
and add this code your script file ...
ready(function() {
var cookiebar = new Cookiebar({
id: "cookiebar",
cls: "cookiebar",
cookie: "cookiebar",
content: {
description: "The site uses cookies to operate. By using our services you agree to use the cookies!",
link: "More information",
href: "",
button: "Accept",
more: "..."
fade: {
type: "in",
ms: "500",
display: "inline"
debug: 0
- Vanilla javascript (no dependencies)
- Only appears when you use cookies
- Supported webpack
- Add support language
- Check AdBlocker
Request Node.js and gulp-cli. Install devDependencies from package.json
npm install
- Browsers default don't support Cookies in local files!
- Use webserver
$ gulp server
You can contribute with Cookiebar installing it and submitting issues and pull requests.
NOTE: Please no pull dist folder.
MIT © Tamás András Horváth