A convenient way to handle your own cordova builds without relying on Phonegap Build.
This project is currently under heavy development and might be unstable. Don't use it in production (unless you're adventurous).
Sends a build request to the CorCI-master.
Additionally you can append platform-specific files by using the target name (e.g. android) as an argument.
--help Show help
-v, --version Show version number
-p, --port Port the client should connect to [default: 8000]
-q, --protocol Protocol the server is reachable at (https requires key and cert argument) [default: "http"]
-h, --host the server's hostname [default: "localhost"]
-k, --keep Amount of builds in location to keep (0 = unlimited) [default: 0]
-l, --location Path to directory where binaries should be stored (leave empty to not store binaries)
-t, --platform, --platforms Define a platform / target (e.g. android); use multiple times for multiple platforms [default: "autodetect"]
-f, --file Path to the cordova project's zip file [required]
-n, --name the app's name [default: "corci"]