Cordova Heartbeat Plugin
Although this Cordova plugin is public and open-source. You'll need a license for the Happitech SDK in order to use it. If you have a license you'll need to clone this repository and replace the library/framework files with the ones you received from Happitech.
To install the plugin to your Cordova project use the Cordova CLI Tool:
$ cordova plugin add cordova-heartbeat
Basic Usage
An instance of the plugin is accessible in JavaScript as Heartbeat
To start measuring use Heartbeat.start();
and to stop measuring use Heartbeat.stop();
Full example
onDeviceReady: function() {
// Realtime heartrate
Heartbeat.on('hr', function(hr) {
console.log('Correlation of heartbeat is:', hr.correlation);
console.log('Timestamp of heartbeat is:', hr.timestamp);
console.log('Heartbeat is:', hr.bpm);
// Realtime bpm
Heartbeat.on('bpm', function(bpm) {
console.log('Realtime heartbeat is: ', bpm);
// Progress of measurement
Heartbeat.on('progress', function(percentage) {
console.log('Your measurement is on: ' + percentage + '%');
// Raw values to plot a graph
Heartbeat.on('graph', function(graph) {
console.log('Raw graph values: ', graph);
// Status of the measurement
Heartbeat.on('status', function(status) {
console.log('Status: ', status);
// Measurement gives a warning
Heartbeat.on('warning', function(warning) {
console.log('Warning: ', warning);
// Measurement gives an error
Heartbeat.on('error', function(error) {
console.log('Error: ', error);
// Measurement is able to give back reliable heartbeat and hrv
Heartbeat.on('hrv', function(hrv) {
console.log('AVNN: ', hrv.AVNN);
console.log('Average heartbeat: ', hrv.bpm);
// Start measurement, the measurement will stop automatically on the end.
// No need to call `stop` unless you want to stop before the measurement is finished.
Available methods
// Start measuring, camera and flash will go on
// Force stop of measurement
// Duration in seconds of the measurement, minimum of 20-30 seconds is required for trusthworthy measurement
// Default is 30
// IOS ONLY: set amount of points for graph
// Default is 500
// ANDROID ONLY: get battery level, because you can't use camera in Android if battery level is low
// so you could use this method to check up front