Sorry for the horrible name It's cordova Bluetooth plugin to connect to multiple devices Only works on android
How to use it
First you need to include it in your cordova project :
"cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-bluetooth-yuflow".
You can reach the plugin in your scripts at "window.bluetoothyuflow".
success and failure are always callbacks, they are triggered in case of... success and failure
Enable the bluetooth :
bluetooth: function (success, failure)
Create a bluetooth listening server waiting for incoming connections. Success is trigger at each connection.
createServer: function(success, failure)
Stop the previously created server.
stopServer: function(success, failure)
List all the devices in range. Return a JSON array to the success callback whith JS objects in : "name" "address" "id" "class"
list: function (success, failure)
Connect the device to another by giving it the macAddress.
connectToDevice: function(macAddress, success, failure)
If you have an incoming connexion or if you connect to another device, you won't receive anything unless you subscribe it
subscribe: function(macAddress, success, failure)
Send a message to another device.
write: function(macAddress, message, success, failure)
Disconnect a device
disconnect: function (macAddress, success, failure)
Disconnect all devices
disconnectAll: function(success, failure)
Use it with caution !
I developed this plugin some months ago and we never used it in a production environment.
- A lot of things