/!\ Before doing anything /!\
This plugin is a fork from tjwoon's csZBar plugin and currently used for personal uses.
The main problem this plugin is trying to solve is the customization of the ZBar layout, like adding button & stuff...
All credit should go to 'tjwoon' for all work before 1.3.3
Thank you.
ZBar Barcode Scanner Plugin
This plugin integrates with the ZBar library, exposing a JavaScript interface for scanning barcodes (QR, 2D, etc). In this fork a button has been added to turn off and on device flash. In addition the plugin can now handle the device orientation change.
This plug-in is available on npm, be careful of the version.
Install from NPM :
ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-cszbar-exj
or you can install it from GitHub :
ionic plugin add
Scan barcode
cloudSky.zBar.scan(params, onSuccess, onFailure)
params: Optional parameters:
{ camera: "front" || "back", // defaults to "back" flash: "on" || "off" || "auto", // defaults to "auto". See Quirks drawSight: true || false, // defaults to true, create a red sight/line in the center of the scanner view. connected: true || false, // defaults to false, triggers the appearance of the login button if false askOpen: true || false // shows openDialogPopup if the barcode is an external url }
onSuccess: function (s) {...} Callback for successful scan.
onFailure: function (s) {...} Callback for cancelled scan or error.
- success('scanned bar code') Successful scan with value of scanned code
- open : (String) equals to "true" || "false", inform the app to re-open the scanner
- text : (String) result of the scan, can be an url or just a number
- format : (String) format of the scan, can be "QRCODE" || "EAN13" || ...
- error('cancelled') If user cancelled the scan (with back button etc)
- error('misc error message') Misc failure
- Android:
- Layout : in progress
- Scan : DONE
- iOS:
- Layout : TODO
- Scan : DONE
Apache 2.0
LICENSEThis plugin is released under the Apache 2.0 license, but the ZBar library on which it depends (and which is distribute with this plugin) is under the LGPL license (2.1).
Thank you to @tjwoon, @PaoloMessina and @nickgerman for code contributions before 1.3.3.