
Use Sensor-Fusion for more stable sensor data on Android. Based on a Alexander Pachas Master Thesis "Sensor fusion for robust outdoor Augmented Reality tracking on mobile devices".

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cordovaPluginDeviceSensorFusion from '';


npm version


A cordova plugin using sensor fusion to offer more precise orientation data. It is based on a work of Alexander Pacha (


Access is via a global navigator.fusion object.

Although the object is attached to the global scoped navigator, it is not available until after the deviceready event.

document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {


Install via cordova CLI:

cordova plugin add

Supported Platforms

  • Android


  • navigator.fusion.setMode
  • navigator.fusion.getCurrentSensorFusion
  • navigator.fusion.watchSensorFusion
  • navigator.fusion.clearWatch


Set the operation-mode for the plugin.

navigator.fusion.setMode(success, err, mode);

Available modes are (from '0' to '5'):

  • 0: Improved Orientation Sensor 1 (Sensor fusion of Android Rotation Vector and Calibrated Gyroscope - less stable but more accurate)
  • 1: Improved Orientation Sensor 2 (Sensor fusion of Android Rotation Vector and Calibrated Gyroscope - more stable but less accurate)
  • 2: Android Rotation Vector (Kalman filter fusion of Accelerometer + Gyroscope + Compass)
  • 3: Calibrated Gyroscope (Separate result of Kalman filter fusion of Accelerometer + Gyroscope + Compass)
  • 4: Gravity + Compass
  • 5: Accelerometer + Compass


function success(result) {
    alert('new Mode: ' + result);

function err(error) {
    alert('Error: ' + error);

// Set operation mode to 'Android Rotation Vector'
navigator.fusion.setMode(onSuccess, onError, 2);


Get the current sensor fusion. The result is returned via a FusionResult object using the fusionSuccess callback function.

navigator.fusion.getCurrentSensorFusion(fusionSuccess, fusionError);


function onSuccess(result) {
    alert('x: ' + result.x);

function onError(error) {
    alert('FusionError: ' + error.code);

navigator.fusion.getCurrentSensorFusion(onSuccess, onError);


Gets the device's current sensor fusion data at a regular interval. Each time the data is retrieved, the fusionSuccess callback function is executed.

The returned watch ID references the sensor fusion watch interval. The watch ID can be used with navigator.fusion.clearWatch to stop watching the navigator.fusion.

var watchID = navigator.fusion.watchSensorFusion(fusionSuccess, fusionError, [fusionOptions]);

fusionOptions may contain the following keys:

  • frequency: How often to retrieve the sensor fusion data in milliseconds. (Number) (Default: 100)


function onSuccess(result) {
    var element = document.getElementById('result');
    element.innerHTML = 'Result.x: ' + result.x;

function onError(fusionError) {
    alert('Fusion error: ' + fusionError.code);

var options = {
    frequency: 3000
}; // Update every 3 seconds

var watchID = navigator.fusion.watchSensorFusion(onSuccess, onError, options);


Stop watching the sensor fusion referenced by the watch ID parameter.

  • watchID: The ID returned by navigator.fusion.watchSensorFusion.


var watchID = navigator.fusion.watchSensorFusion(onSuccess, onError, options);

// ... later on ...



A FusionResult object is returned to the fusionSuccess callback function.


  • FusionResult. (ATTENTION: will be deprecated soon)

    • x: The x-component of the resulting quaternion. (Number)
    • y: The y-component of the resulting quaternion. (Number)
    • z: The z-component of the resulting quaternion. (Number)
    • w: The w-component of the resulting quaternion. (Number)
  • FusionResult.quaternion.

    • x: The x-component of the resulting quaternion. (Number)
    • y: The y-component of the resulting quaternion. (Number)
    • z: The z-component of the resulting quaternion. (Number)
    • w: The w-component of the resulting quaternion. (Number)
  • FusionResult.eulerAngles.

    • yaw: The Euler-Angles yaw component. (Number)
    • pitch: The Euler-Angles pitch component. (Number)
    • roll: The Euler-Angles roll component. (Number)
  • FusionResult.timestamp: The time at which the data was determined. (milliseconds)


  • 0.0.1
    • initial commit
  • 0.0.2
    • updated
  • 0.0.3
    • FusionResult extended (see 'Properties') !!!ATTENTION: DEPRECATION!!!