
Flomio Cordova Plugin

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cordovaPluginFlomio from '';


Flomio Cordova Plugin

Flomio's Proximity ID plugin for Cordova.


  • Make sure that you have Node and Cordova CLI installed on your machine.

  • Create your Cordova example app

cordova create my-plugin-example-app && cd $_
  • Add the plugin to it
cordova plugin add
  • Open index.html and add a button
<button onclick="floPlugin.webToSdkCommand();">Say hello to your plugin!</button>
  • Register plugin within config.xml of your app
<feature name="FLOPlugin">
    <param name="ios-package" value="FLOPlugin" />
  • Build and run app
cordova run ios