
Cross-platform In App Purchase plugin for both iOS (Apple) and Android (Google)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cordovaPluginIosAndroidIAP from '';


Create application

cordova create SdkboxIAP org.cocos2dx.PluginTest SdkboxIAP_Cordova

Android integration

cordova platform add android

cordova plugin add --save

  • Set your application code, by modifying the www folder contents.

  • Cypher/zipalign your application:

Create a file named with the cyphering information. A valid example could be:

storeFile=<path to your store file>
keyAlias=<alias name>
  • Compile the application:

cordova build android --release

iOS integration

cordova platform add ios

cordova plugin add --save

Rename the files SdkboxIAP/platforms/ios/SdkboxIAP_Cordova/Classes/AppDelegate.m and SdkboxIAP/platforms/ios/SdkboxIAP_Cordova/Classes/MainViewController.m to have .mm extension.

  • Set your application code, by modifying the www folder contents.

cordova build ios --release

Cordova In-App Purchase Integration Guide


Use this command to add the plugin to your Cordova project:

cordova plugin add --save

Android integration

Cypher/zipalign your application:

Create a file named with the cyphering information. A valid example could be:

storeFile=<path to your store file>
keyAlias=<alias name>

If you don't set storePassword and/or keyPassword the compilation script will prompt for them.

iOS integration

Rename the files <your project>/platforms/ios/SdkboxIAP_Cordova/Classes/AppDelegate.m and <your project>/platforms/ios/SdkboxIAP_Cordova/Classes/MainViewController.m to have .mm extension.


Plugin initialization IAP

Before using IAP functionality, the plugin must be initialized.

    function success() {
        // plugin initialized ok.
    function error( err:Error ) {
        // plugin not initialized.
        // err contains detailed info about it

The initialization_data is a JSON object with the following structure:

    "config" : {
        "iap" : {
            "items" : {
                "<item-name>" : {
                    "id" :   "string"         //  "<product-id>",
                    "type" : "string"         //  "non_consumable" | "consumable"
            "key" : "string"                  //  android only
    "app_token" : "string",
    "app_secret": "string",
    "debug" :     "boolean",
    "enabled" :   "boolean"

IAP products definition

The config block is the IAP products definition.

You must create as much as needed <item-name> blocks. The id field on each block must match the id specified on the Google Play store or on Game Center. The type, will be set accordingly to the type of product defined on the native consoles. Though you must have a configuration for each platform, on ios and android you might very well have the same product ids set on its respectives consoles.

Plugin info fields

The debug field, will enable detailed logging information for the IAP internals. This field is optional and is false by default. The enabled field, will make the plugin to be disabled. This field is optional, and the plugin is of course, enabled by default.

Remote config and services fields

Sdkbox has built-in support for remote configuration update and remote IAP receipt verification. To benefit from these services, you must register first in Sdkbox website.

After creating an online application descriptor for your app, the fields app_token and app_secret must match the counterpart values generated online.

A valid IAP configuration example call could be:

        "config" : {
            "iap": {
                "key": "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAq7eIGu7dRcBRBSC05cYvxjBMd7cqq9w6++1er+cqO2tyWPtWB4vuTkliq4k/Fkylx5UMfptdOYOW8ENgQyVucs/NyuOAGmve4j5JFhLPcLa6LjO2HUSY6zk04DRR9Zw7YPET4WAezZTz8jYMGhPG08HYltVj8cmSpSFWd1nI0pGOJoLQIMkIkXplgnPQRbMpuOu70vnQQBS1RFcoFT7OjaV8U0cfJzMoS1TMkGqaJKks2T+qOBNTtkXzge92EnvYIkhpCfN98dj6aQmETNp5yj5Fa+jcbAVF8dy5xymJwioL89XQKfKkGR+P6ESMoBEPfIZYIlMU8EUwmC+UKGLujQIDAQAB",
                "items": {
                    "remove_ads": {
                        "type": "non_consumable",
                        "id": "com.cocos2dx.non1"
                    "coin_package": {
                        "id": "com.cocos2dx.plugintest2"
                    "double_coin": {
                        "type": "non_consumable",
                        "id": "com.cocos2dx.non2"
                    "coin_package2": {
                        "id": "com.cocos2dx.plugintest3"
    function success() {

    function error( err:Error ) {


Get cached products' data [getProducts]

On plugin initialization, there's a request to the server to get the latest products information, like prices, currency codes, descriptions, etc.

A call to

        function( products ) {
            __log( products );

        function(error) {
            __log( error ) ;

will get the products info. products parameter is an array of object of the following form:

    "id"            : "string",   // e.g.: com.cocos2dx.non1
    "title"         : "string",   // defined on the dev console
    "description"   : "string",   // defined on the dev console
    "price"         : "string",   // e.g.: "$2.29"
    "currencyCode"  : "string",   // e.g.: "USD"
    "priceValue"    : "number",   // e.g.: 2.28999996185 . floating point is funny isn't it ?
    "name"          : "string",   // human readable name. Defined in the products config as `<item-name>` field
    "type"          : "number"    // 0 : consumable, 1 : non-consumable

Retrieve latest Product data [refresh]

Instead of getting the products from the local cache by calling getProducts, you can request a cache refresh by calling:

        function( products ) {
            // array of products
        function(error) {

The products parameter has the same structure as the one for [getProducts] call.

Make a purchase

To make a purchase call like:

    function success( purchase_result ) {

    function error( err ) {
        // an error message:
        // e.g. purchase canceled, or purchase error.

product_name and product_type are fields defined in the configuration passed to initPlugin.

Android result:

The parameter purchase_result is of the form:

    "sku" : "string"      // product id
    "original_json" : {
        "orderId"       : "string",   // e.g.: GPA.1371-4940-4055-37119
        "packageName"   : "string",   // e.g.: "org.cocos2ds.PluginTest" [ your app's bundle id ]
        "productId"     : "string",   // the purchased product id (defined on the store's console).
        "purchaseTime"  : "number",   // purchase utc time
        "purchaseState" : "number",
        "purchaseToken" : "string"    // e.g.: nkfpldadcgfbacbpjidffoka.AO-J ...
    "signature" : "string"            // e.g.: BD3CALIQrV/R...

Restore purchase

To restore purchases call:

        function( products ) {

        function(error) {


products parameter is an array of the form:

    "<product-id>", ...

The product ids will allow you to know what products must be granted. Only non-consumible products can be restored.

Note: the success callback could be triggered multiple times, depending on the number of products you purchased and the system restores.

IAP Receipts Verification

If you're using remote configuration for SDKBOX IAP, Receipts verification is turn on by default Click here to learn more..

Implement your own verification

You can get the receipt data and verify it with your own server by calling following method


Note: iOS don't provide purchase receipt, only ciphered payload

API Reference

Cordova plugins expect two callback functions for each Plugin exposed method.

The API is simple enough and is composed of the following methods:

/** Purchase-Result
    "sku" : "string"      // product id
    "original_json" : {
        "orderId"       : "string",   // e.g.: GPA.1371-4940-4055-37119
        "packageName"   : "string",   // e.g.: "org.cocos2ds.PluginTest" [ your app's bundle id ]
        "productId"     : "string",   // the purchased product id (defined on the store's console).
        "purchaseTime"  : "number",   // purchase utc time
        "purchaseState" : "number",
        "purchaseToken" : "string"    // e.g.: nkfpldadcgfbacbpjidffoka.AO-J ...
    "signature" : "string"            // e.g.: BD3CALIQrV/R...

/** Product-Definition
    "id"            : "string",   // e.g.: com.cocos2dx.non1
    "title"         : "string",   // defined on the dev console
    "description"   : "string",   // defined on the dev console
    "price"         : "string",   // e.g.: "$2.29"
    "currencyCode"  : "string",   // e.g.: "USD"
    "priceValue"    : "number",    // e.g.: 2.28999996185 . floating point is funny isn't it ?
    "name"          : "string",    // human readable name. Defined in the products config as `<item-name>` field
    "type"          : "number"    // 0 : consumable, 1 : non-consumable

module.exports = {

     * Initialize plugin with configuration. See Plugin Initialization IAP.
    initPlugin : function( config, success, error ) {

     * Refresh products cache
     * On success, the success callback will receive an array of Product-Definition objects.
    refresh: function(success, error ) {

     * Get products from the cache.
     * On success, the success callback will receive an array of Product-Definition objects.
    getProducts: function(success, error ) {

     * Purchase an item identified by its human readable name, and type.
     * On success, the success callback will receive a Purchase-Result object.
    purchase : function( product_id, product_type, success, error ) {

     * Restore purchases.
     * On success, the success callback will receibe an array of strings. Each string will be the
     * 'id' of the purchased item.
    restore : function( success, error ) {

    enableUserSideVerification : function( success, error ) {
