LocationProvider plugin
This Cordova plugin implements Android background service for location queries triggered by e.g. GCM notification. The plugin is also compatible with PhoneGap Build.
Supported Platforms
- Android
Define the configuration
cordova.plugins.LocationProvider.setConfiguration(/*JSONObject*/ config);
Fetch and clear the Locate history
function successCallback(/*JSONObject*/ history){
// process the history
The plugin can either be installed from git repository, from local file system through the Command-line Interface or cloud based through PhoneGap Build.
Local development environment
From master:
# ~~ from master branch ~~
cordova plugin add
from a local folder:
# ~~ local folder ~~
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-location-provider --searchpath path
or to use the latest stable version:
# ~~ stable version ~~
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-location-provider@1.4.8
To remove the plug-in, run the following command:
cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-location-provider
PhoneGap Build
Add the following xml line to your config.xml:
<gap:plugin platform="android" name="cordova-plugin-location-provider" version="1.4.8" source="npm"/>
Check the Change Log.
This software is released under the Apache 2.0 License.
© 2016 Toni Korin