
Cordova OIC Plugin

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cordovaPluginOic from '';



A Cordova plugin to expose the OIC specification to cross platform applications written in JavaScript.


To provide a plugin which allows using the OIC specification across all mobile platforms without requiring the user to deal with implementing and compiling the native code for each operating system.

Current platforms:

  • Android


As this is a Cordova plugin, you will build it as part of an app. For a demo app, please see the cordova-plugin-oic-demo app. Build instructions are located at its README file.

Running tests

This plugin contains a test suite that runs as a Cordova app. Pleae find it at the cordova-plugin-oic-tests project page.

Quick start with the API

var plugin = cordova.require('cordova/plugin/oic');

plugin.onresourcefound = function(event) {
    var resource = event.resource;
    // Do something with the resource.

plugin.onupdate = function(event) {
    var updates = event.updates;
    // Update your UI when changes have occurred.

plugin.setBackend('iotivity').then(function() {

More details can be found at the OIC JS spec for the Soletta project.