Cordova plugin to pay via UPI supported apps via intent based
Supported Platform:
- Android
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-upi
After installation, the upi plugin would be avilable in "window" object.
- Fetch UPI supported apps.
let successCallback = function (apps) {
console.log("UPI supported apps", apps);
let failureCallback = function (err) {
console.error("Issue in fetching UPI supported apps ", err);
window["UPI"].supportedApps(successCallback, failureCallback);
- Start a transaction you can start a transaction either by passing upistring or parsed value as given below.
let config = {
"pa": "pa", // VPA no from UPI payment acc
"pn": "pn", // Merchant Name registered in UPI payment acc
"me": "me", // Merchant Code from UPI payment acc
"tid": "tid", // Unique transaction id for merchant's reference
"tr": "tr", // Unique transaction id for merchant's reference
"tn": "tn", // Note that will displayed in payment app during transaction
"am": "am", // Amount
"mam": "mam", // its optional. Minimum amount that has to be transferred
"cu": "cu", // Currency of amount
"url": "url" // URL for the order
let config = {
"payeeVPA": "pa", // VPA no from UPI payment acc
"payeeName": "pn", // Merchant Name registered in UPI payment acc
"payeeMerchantCode": "me", // Merchant Code from UPI payment acc
"transactionId": "tid", // Unique transaction id for merchant's reference
"transactionRef": "tr", // Unique transaction id for merchant's reference
"transactionNote": "tn", // Note that will displayed in payment app during transaction
"amount": "am", // Amount
"minimumAmount": "mam", // its optional. Minimum amount that has to be transferred
"currency": "cu", // Currency of amount
"transactionRefUrl": "url" // URL for the order
let successCallback = function (result) {
/* success and failure of payment will be given in this method, this is because each payment uses different name to represent the status of transaction under "Status" field.*/
console.log("result of success interaction of payment app", result);
let failureCallback = function (err) {
console.error("Issue in interaction and completion of payment with UPI", err);
window["UPI"].acceptPayment(config, successCallback, failureCallback);
Sample response of successful payment
"ApprovalRefNo": "932413452",
"Status": "SUCCESS",
"message": "txnId=764900774.690841&responseCode=00&Status=SUCCESS&txnRef=417855597.31908274&ApprovalRefNo=932413452",
"responseCode": "00",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"txnId": "764900774.690841",
"txnRef": "417855597.31908274",
"appId": "",
"appName": "PhonePe Preprod",
Sample response of failure payment
"Status": "FAILURE",
"message": "txnId=901818401.3087038&responseCode=ZD&Status=FAILURE&txnRef=654595701.7025663",
"responseCode": "ZD",
"status": "FAILURE",
"txnId": "901818401.3087038",
"txnRef": "654595701.7025663",
"appId": "",
"appName": "PhonePe Preprod",
Release Notes:
Initial Release of cordova plugin for upi transaction
Added capability to fetch all UPI supported apps rather than predefined list (added in 1.0.0v) Added capability to send upi app details used for payment, in response.
Bug fix related to defensive check on "Status" field.
Bug fix to handle Empty Param from UPI apps in response. Issue
Bug fix