
This plugin will enable you to track events, send notifications, In-apps messages to your users

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cordovaPluginUpshotplugin from '';


Upshot Cordova Plugin

Upshot provides a Cordova Plugin that enable you to track events, send notifications, In-apps messages to your users


Add Upshot Plugin to your project as show below

cordova plugin add cordova_plugin_upshotplugin

Plugin Setup

Android Specific Instructions

  • Add to dependencies in project level gradle
classpath ""


  • apply to app level gradle
apply plugin: ''


  • Upshot provides multiple templates for PushNotifications. To enable / use those extend your Launcher class with UpshotBaseActivity


  • If you already integrated push notification module using some other providers/plugins, you need to configure your app to work with Upshot push notification.

public class FcmMessageListenerService extends FirebaseMessagingService {
    public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage message) {
        try {
            if (message.getData().size() > 0) {
                Bundle pushPayload = new Bundle();
                for (Map.Entry entry : message.getData().entrySet()) {
                    pushPayload.putString(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
                if (pushPayload.containsKey("bk")) {
                    UpshotPushPresenter.getInstance().sendNotification(remoteMessage.getData(), pushPayload, context);
                } else {
                    // not from Upshot handle yourself or pass to another provider
        } catch (Throwable t) {

iOS Specific Instructions

Rich push notifications:

iOS 10 brings us push notifications with Rich Media Attachment which includes viewing photos, videos, gifs and audio right there, within the notification. Having these media attachments as a part of your notification is achieved with the use of the new Notification Service Extension.

Create Notification Service Extension

In Xcode, select project > click on + > search Notification Service Extension and click on next.


If you want to use rich push notifications via Upshot implement below changes

  • Add UpshotNotificationService.m class to Notification Service target


  • import UpshotNotificationService.h class to NotificationService.h and make UpshotNotificationService as super class
#import "UpshotNotificationService.h"


  • Remove all the code and your NotificationService.m class should be like this.



cordova.plugins.UpshotPlugin.initialize(params, callback); 

Integrate Upshot Cordova to your project by using this link