
Generate image sheet for Corona

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import coronaImageSheet from '';



Common atlas generator for corona

What is image sheet you can read here



npm install -g corona-image-sheet

Hot to use

corona-image-sheet < atlases.txt

where atlases.txt contents:

out .

atlas atlas.png
config atlas.cfg
size 1024 1024
root C:\Projects\Game\images
put .
put ui

Now you see output like this

DEBUG: >> out .
DEBUG: >> atlas atlas.png
DEBUG: >> config atlas.cfg
DEBUG: >> size 1024 1024
DEBUG: >> root C:\Projects\Game\images
DEBUG: >> put .
INFO: Find 25 files in <.>
[##########################################################################] 100%
DEBUG: >> put ui
INFO: Find 13 files in <ui>
[##########################################################################] 100%
INFO: build atlas atlas.png

And now you see atlas.png and atlas.cfg in directory


out [output directory name]

root [rood directory]

Set atlas root directory

Set ouptup directory

atlas [output atlas name]

Start new atlas and set name

config [output atlas config name]

Set atlas config name

size [width] [height]

Set current atlas size

put [directory]

Append to atlas images (png and jpg) from ${root_directory}/{directory}

fit [width] [height] [prefix]

After put you can call fit to resize added images:

put ui/font
fit 30 30 ui/font # now all images from ui/font are fitted to 30x30 rect


You can declare few atlases in one file like this

out atlases
root images # optional
scale 1 # optional

atlas characters.png
config characters.cfg
size 1024 1024
put characters

atlas inventory.png
config inventory.cfg
size 512 512
put food
scale 0.5 # now weapons and hats with scale 0.5
put weapons
put hats


  • 9 scales
  • resize images
  • package in to and more atlases
  • more comfortable resource managment from corona