
This is a simple reverse proxy which can be used for development to access server responses where CORS is not enabled for a specific reason.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import corsHttpProxy from '';


CORS http proxy

This is a simple reverse proxy which can be used for development to access server responses where CORS is not enabled for a specific reason.

In addition to allowing all CORS preflight requests, it will also expose access control headers ( based on some random tokens like "token", "secret", "csrf"


Install the package as a dev dependency in your application

npm install cors-http-proxy --save-dev

Start the proxy by setting a desired target and port

cors-http-proxy -t -p 8082

Example with an angular application with npm scripts

  "scripts": {
    "start:dev": "cors-http-proxy -t -p 8082 | ng serve"