
Graph data structure

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cortez from '';


cortez v0.1.16

Graph data structure


npm i --save cortez


Cortez is a graph data structure written in ES6 decoupling structure from content to allow merging of different graphs and concurrent graph modification in a distributed environment.

The aim of this library is to provide a performant proxy to work with relatively smaller subsets of huge graphs persisted in databases in a distributed architecture. Cortez should eventually make it possible to extract a fragment of a bigger graph, work on it by adding/removing/updating nodes or edges and then apply the changes to the original graph.

The library is currently at a very early stage.

Features / Usage

The ES5 code is in the dist folder, while the src folder contains the ES6 sources.

Plain and generator-based versions of all query and graph traversal methods.


Install the package and open docs/index.html in the browser to review the methods documentation. You can also look at the test suite for real usage examples.


  • Refine support for self-edges
  • Complete and expose fragment merging functionality
  • Add a suite of basic algorithms such as graph search and coverage
  • Provide better usage documentation and hints/best practices
  • Provide benchmarks


This package is released under the MIT License