Cosa analog pin reader
This is a generic analog pin reader class for Cosa.
Inheriting from this class provides a read_voltage()
interface returning a floating point reading in the range 0-5 V.
Sample usage: suppose values in 0.5-5.0 V range need to be read and scaled by 40.
class YourSensor: public wlp::AnalogPinReader { /* ... */ };
double YourSensor::read_value() {
double reading0 = (read_voltage_raw() - 0.5) * 40;
double reading1 = read_voltage_scaled(40) - 40*0.5;
double reading2 = read_voltage_scaled(40, 0.5); // Recommended usage
assert(reading0 == reading1 && reading1 == reading2);
return reading2;