
Command line tool to operate with JSON files in sync with CouchDB

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import couchdocs from '';



Command-line tools to operate with JSON files in sync with CouchDB


npm install -g couchdocs

.couchdocs File Configuration Example

Optional file with name .couchdocs contains properties of CouchDB connection which should be applied for sync of JSON files in the current folder.


You could also use COUCH_URL and COUCH_DB variables too for database specification. url is optional, http://localhost:5984/ is used by default, but you typically must specify db parameter for simplifying operations

Use -v to have a verbose output about what is going on.


(c) Create CouchDB Database from all merged JSON documents in current folder

couchdocs create
couchdocs create

(r) Delete existing and re-create CouchDB database from all merged documents in current folder

couchdocs recreate
couchdocs recreate

(u) Update Database document using local json file

couchdocs update foo.json
couchdocs update --id _design/backend design_backend.json

(a) Partial database autoupdate

Read section in couchdocs file, it can declare what exact types or what documents can be safely autoupdated. [autoupdate] section can contain types that should be auto updated. [exclude] section can contain documents that should be auto updated.

couchdocs autoupdate
couchdocs autoupdate

Typical Example of couchdocs sections for configuring autoupdates

_id=_design/servers _design/public _design/auth
type=template layout widget webapp-config


(s) Save database into JSON files

Each document becomes a separate file

couchdocs save

(z) Create tarball from JSON files in current folders

couchdocs zip

(b) Back up all databases using couchbackup into current folder

Each database would be saved as compressed .tar.gz file. couchbackup will be salled, so it should be installed for that operation

couchdocs backup


  1. This CLI tool is designed only for Linux/Unix systems, so most of operations will not work on Windows if you have no Cygwin tools.
  2. Development is still in progress, please use at your own risk and feel free to leave your feedback in Issues.

Will be added before released

  • Improving verbosity levels
  • Support of big databases
  • More suitable error handling
  • Support for delayed publishing approach

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