Create email components with React / react-html-email and send them to Mailchimp on the server.
Download node at and install it, if you haven't already.
npm install courier-js --save
Render Usage
Render and return an HTML string from your email component.
import courier from 'courier';
import React from 'react';
import { Email, Item, Span } from 'react-html-email';
const template = () => (
<Email title='My Sexy Email'>
<Item data-mc-edit="article_title">
<Span>Oh my, emails are sexy now.</Span>
const allTemplates = {
myTemplate: {
fileName: 'myTemplate'
const { render, templateNames } = courier({ allTemplates });
const templateProps = {};
templateNames(); // returns a string of your template names
render('myTemplate', templateProps); // returns an HTML string with your props and `mc:edit` attribute
Compile to HTML file
Compile your email component to an HTML file and the directory of your choice.
import courier from 'courier';
import React from 'react';
import { Email, Item, Span } from 'react-html-email';
const action = process.argv[2];
const template = () => (
<Email title='My Sexy Email'>
<Item data-mc-edit="article_title">
<Span>Oh my, emails are sexy now.</Span>
const allTemplates = {
myTemplate: {
fileName: 'myTemplate'
const { compile } = courier({ allTemplates });
const templateProps = {};
const templateProps = {};
const dir = __dirname;
compile('myTemplate', templateProps, dir); // renders your template inside `dir` with your `fileName`.html
Render to Mailchimp Campaign
Update a Mailchimp template and send a campaign based on your email component.
import courier from 'courier';
import React from 'react';
import { Email, Item, Span } from 'react-html-email';
const action = process.argv[2];
const template = () => (
<Email title='My Sexy Email'>
<Item data-mc-edit="article_title">
<Span>Oh my, emails are sexy now.</Span>
const allTemplates = {
myTemplate: {
fileName: 'myTemplate'
const { mailchimp, render } = courier({ allTemplates });
const templateProps = {};
const mailchimpConfig = {
key: config.key,
datacenter: config.datacenter
const mailchimpOpts = {
campaign: {
type: 'regular',
recipients: {
list_id: 0
settings: {
subject_line: 'Send via Courier',
from_name: 'Sample',
reply_to: '',
title: 'My Sexy Courier Campaign'
templateId: 0,
templateData: {
name: 'My Template Name',
html: render('myTemplate', templateProps)
Also available from `mailchimp`:
const { init } = mailchimp(mailchimpConfig, mailchimpOpts);
Updates `templateId` with your rendered component
Creates new campaign
Updates campaign content with your `templateId`
Sends campaign to your list
.then((data) => console.log(data));
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
npm install
npm test
- assert: commonjs assert - node.js api compatible
- html: HTML pretty printer CLI utility (based on jsbeautifier)
- mailchimp-lite: A lightweight wrapper for Mailchimp's v2 and v3 apis
- mailchimpify: transform your data attributes to Mailchimp's custom
- react: React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- react-dom: React package for working with the DOM.
- react-html-email: Create elegant HTML email templates using React.
Dev Dependencies
- babel-core: Babel compiler core.
- babel-preset-es2015: Babel preset for all es2015 plugins.
- babel-preset-react: Babel preset for all React plugins.
- semistandard: All the goodness of
with semicolons sprinkled on top. - snazzy: Format JavaScript Standard Style as Stylish (i.e. snazzy) output
- tape: tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
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