
A one page website demo.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cowsOnepage from '';


A One Page Website Demo

This is a one page RWD website to show case how easily you can create & manage a website using coServ. The web desgin was kept to minimum so you can easily modify it to suit your needs.

Install & Run

You can install the website using npm:

npm install cows-onepage

Once the package is installed, you can change to the install directory and type:

node startWeb

That will start the website. You can point your browser to to see the results.

Deploy To Heroku

The demo website is ready for Heroku deployment right out of the box. There are only two minor changes you have to make. First of all, change the port setting in the startWeb.js file (line #9) to "process.env.PORT" (see the sample code below).

var  serverConfig = {
        "apiEngine": {
            "host": "",
            "port": 80,
            "method": "POST"
        "server": {
            "wwwPath": __dirname,
            "port": process.env.PORT,
            "maxSockets": 200
     coServ = require('coserv');


You'll also need to assign the domain name of your Heroku machine to the demo website. Replace "" with your Heroku domain in the sites.json file.

Now you can push the whole website to Heroku using 'git push heroku master' and that's it. Your website is now available to the world.


A simple article has been included to show you how to modify this demo website to become your own.