This is a utility package for NodeJS Apps
Install the package using npm :
npm install cpm-utils --save
Then, require the package and use it:
var cpmUtils = require('cpm-utils');
console.log(cpmUtils.isEmpty("")); // true [Sample]
console.log(cpmUtils.isEmpty("Hello World")); // false [Sample]
console.log(cpmUtils.isEmpty({})); // true [Sample]
console.log(cpmUtils.isEmpty({ "hello" : "world" })); // false [Sample]
Tiny express app is configured to call a middleware function of your own on "/doSomething" GET method. Express Exception handling can be done by calling next(err) appropriately :
var cpmUtils = require('cpm-utils');
cpmUtils.launchExpressServer(function (req, res, next) {
// Do your stuff
res.send("My Function Called!");
// And then hit http://localhost:3000/doSomething to execute your code.
// Healthcheck URL : http://localhost:3000/healthcheck