
React component for selecting multiple entities from a drop-down

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cprMultiselect from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/cpr-multiselect';


cpr-multiselect Build Status

Canopy React Multi-select Component


  • React >=0.13.3
  • Lodash methods without, contains, union, isNull


  1. Install through npm install --save cpr-multiselect
  2. Load the required stylesheet src/multi-selector.css
  3. Optional - if you want some default styling use the stylesheet: dist/external-styles.css



  • items: Items to choose from
  • maxSearchItems: Limit the number of items rendered in the dialog
  • initialSelectedItems: The selected items
  • onChange: Called when selected items change
  • onInputChange: Called when the text input changes
  • ItemComponent: Custom component for each item in the dialog
  • getItemTitle: Called to display the title of each item
  • placeholder: Placeholder for the text input
  • pillPlaceholder: Placeholder text for the empty pill box
  • maxLength: Maximum length for the text input
  • noRestrict: Pass this if you don't want to restrict the input so users can enter custom values. Custom values will be appended to selectedItems as strings.
  • noResultsPhrase: The phrase to show when there are no matching results, or when items is empty. The default is "No items found."
  • pressEnterToAddPhrase: If noRestrict is true, this phrase will be displayed when users enter custom values. The default is "Press Enter to add".
  • customCSSClass: A css class to be put on the cpr-multiselector element
  • hasError: pass in true to display an orange error border around the input div
  • validate: function to validate the input. Return true or false.
  • invalidMsg: message to display when input is invalidated
  • doneButton: add a done button to the dialog when entering input
  • color: Color for the pills. Supports blue and green currently.
  • closeOnSelect: Close the dialog after selection.
  • keepSearchTextOnSelect: by default, search text is cleared on select. Pass this as true if you want the search text to remain on select.
  • CustomPillboxComponent: custom component that triggers the dialog opening rather than using the pill box default
  • CustomPill: custom component that replaces the default pill item
  • onBlur: called when dialog is closed
  • showSearch: defaults to true, allows you to control if the search bar is present.
  • pillUniqueIdentifier: Used as unique key for pills (needed only for custom pills that use internal state) default: 'id'
  • disabled: If true, canopy disabled input styling will be applied and clicking the input will do nothing


import MultiSelect from 'cpr-multiselect';

let items = [
        "lastName": "Seward",
        "firstName": "William"
        "lastName": "Montgomery",
        "firstName": "Blair"
        "lastName": "Meriwether",
        "firstName": "Lewis"

function itemsChanged(selectedItems) {

function inputChange(input) {
    //Input will be whatever current text is in the input

<MultiSelect items={items} onChange={itemsChanged} onInputChange={inputChange}></MultiSelect>

Custom Components

import MultiSelect from 'cpr-multiselect';

let items = [
        "lastName": "Seward",
        "firstName": "William"
        "lastName": "Montgomery",
        "firstName": "Blair"
        "lastName": "Meriwether",
        "firstName": "Lewis"

 * Each item has a title which can be manipulated with a callback function
function getCustomTitle(item) {
    return item.firstName;

 * Each item rendered in the dialog can have a custom component
let PersonComponent = React.createClass({
    render () {
        const firstName = this.props.item.firstName;
        const lastName = this.props.item.lastName;
        return (
                <div className="cpr-multi-selector-item__title">{`${firstName} ${lastName}`}</div>

<MultiSelect items={items} onChange={itemsChanged} getItemTitle={getCustomTitle} ItemComponent={PersonComponent}></MultiSelect>

