
A quick start Create React App with many auto implemented features

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import craTemplatePi from '';


IMPORTANT -Initial Project Setup!

In the root of the project please run

  • node bin/dependency_trim.js -> one time use
  • Configure the optional dependencies
  • Assure everything still works fine and commit your options in a single commit

This project was bootstrapped with Pitech template.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

  • yarn start - runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

  • yarn test - launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.

  • yarn test:e2e - launches app on port 3099 and starts the E2E environment.

  • yarn test:mutation - launches the test runner and applies mutations on written code.

  • yarn lint - lints project files according to eslint rules

  • yarn lint:fix - same as yarn lint, but also fixes errors, when possible. Typical use case: local development environment, git hooks.

Due to CRA template limitations (we can change only scripts and dependencies inside generated package.json) all configuration is done by adding config files where possible. Also no devDependencies for now, sorry.

Utils & Helpers

A wrapper over localstorage is provided out of the box, contains functionalities for get, set and remove
This wrapper comes with Typescript support based on local configuration.


Basic Global state management configuration with Recoil.js. Read more here

Redux configuration

The template provides basic Redux configuration using Redux Toolkit

IMPORTANT: Form Solutions

Final Form project

Basic implementation contains a FormWrapper that should be used to declare a form
A TextField, CheckboxField and ConditionField is provided by default A set of validators is also provided within the final-form directory

React Hook Form project

Implementation details can be found here.



Cypress is the default library for e2e testing, contains a minimal setup.
For running the integration setup tests locally:

  • start application on port 3000(see cypress.json)
  • run any of:
    • npm run cy:open (user interface)
    • npm run test:e2e (command line) An integration test example for mocking requests and visiting is available in cypress/integration/Example.spec.ts There are various TODO(ProjectSetup) left in a few files, these should be deleted once the working example has been replaced

Updating cypress version

To update cypress version first you must change the version in the package.json, make sure to leave it fixed to prevent upgrading by mistake. You will also have to change the docker image on which the CI is running as it is fixed. The default one is hardcoded version taken from the cra-template-pi repo registry. To build a new image do the following:

  1. Build image for the new version, make sure to use your own repo for the tag and set the $VERSION:
docker build -t "$YOUR_PROJECT_PATH/cypress:$VERSION" docker/ -f docker/Dockerfile-cypress --build-arg VERSION=$VERSION
  1. Push the tag and update the image: in the E2E job in .gitlab-ci.yml
docker push$YOUR_PROJECT_PATH/cypress:$VERSION

Unit and integration testing

React Testing library is used in this case. Use npm run test or npm run test:coverage for running tests.
There is already a test and mock folder set with basic tests for the Counter component. In the mock folder you will also find a wrappers file that contains some helper function to wrap your components with Redux and Intl providers.

Mutation testing

Mutation tester provider is Stryker Stryker provides a real coverage report of the current tests and offers an insight on where bugs might appear

In order to see this report locally, run npm run test:mutation (For the current project setup, it requires at least node12) This report can pe visualised on each branch pipeline by triggering a manual job and then downloading the artifact with the report on a html format In order to add/remove tests or files from mutation scope, please edit stryker.conf.js

Stryker can be removed by adding mutation as an argument to the ./bin/

Security audit

Disabled by default (can be enabled by removing exit $ERROR #ignore audit from bin/code_quality) The CI will automatically check audit and break the pipelines if there is a security issue above moderate level. This is done with the better-npm-audit package, see npm run audit. If you'd like to ignore some audit warnings in case fixing them is too difficult or unnecessary (ex: non prod code has issues), then you can add -i ${AUDIT_ID} to the command in package.json:scripts:audit. For more details see better-npm-audit.


Translations is provided using React Intl.
Also a DynamicFormattedMessage component is provided to wrap the intl import and provide conditional rendering of the text


Prettier is added to force consistent formatting. Don't like trailing semicolons? Feel free to tweak prettier rules inside .prettierrc file to match your code style.

Eslint configurations

The template extends CRA ESLint rules with a custom set, tailored for the reasonable and clean development process.

Eslint rules are commented for your convenience feel free to tweak or remove them inside .eslintrc
Import order not configured, a plugin can be found here

Open API Tools generator project

The provided template uses fetch, if you wish to modify it, please consult the project, axios/superagent are also suported

By providing a valid endpoint for swagger.json retrieval in the .env file the script found at bin/ will generate models and APIs defined in that particular swagger.json

Machine requirements

  • chmod +x ./bin/ -> to be able to run it
  • docker -> required in order to abstract the java dependency of the generator

Styling docs

Set git hooks

cp githooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit
cp githooks/pre-push .git/hooks/pre-push
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-push