
CRUK Pattern Library API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import crukPatternLibraryApi from '';



Methods to return markup / styles / scripts for reusable patterns.

Usage Examples

PHP Usage


"repositories": [
        "type": "git",
        "url": ""
"require": {
    "cruk/cruk-pattern-library-api": "^2.0",


use Cruk\CrukPatternLibraryApi\Patterns;

$patterns = new Patterns();
$markup = $patterns->getMarkup('cta.primary', [
  'href' => '',
  'text' => 'Home',

JS Usage (return a string)


"dependencies": {
    "cruk-pattern-library-api": "^2.0",


import Patterns from 'cruk-pattern-library-api';

const markup = Patterns.getPatternMarkup('cta.primary', {
    text: 'Home',
    href: ''

getPatternMarkup should return an empty string if there is no content.

React Usage (Return a JSX component)

import React from 'react';
import { CtaPrimary } from 'cruk-pattern-library-api';

export default function YourComponent(props) {
  return <CtaPrimary href="" text="Home" />;

SCSS Usage


"dependencies": {
    "cruk-pattern-library-api": "^2.0",

To import everything including patterns and global styles:

@import "~cruk-pattern-library-api/scss/all.scss";

To import only variables, mixins, and other tools (no rules):

@import "~cruk-pattern-library-api/scss/base.scss";

To import specific patterns only:

@import "~cruk-pattern-library-api/patterns/cta.primary.scss";

Rendering flat markup

When rendering the flat markup, you will need to attach behaviour handlers for things like collapsible slide toggles, etc.

Something like this:

import Patterns from 'cruk-pattern-library-api';

const markup = 'theFullMarkupOfAllPatterns';

<div className="foo-bar" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: markup }} />

Patterns.addVanillaBehaviours('foo-bar', window.document);


  • Run npm run start:dev then http://localhost:9999/
  • Run npm run build to rebuild before committing changes
  • Distribution folder location /lib to preview patterns (jsx)

Design system

  • currently it integrates with Netlify CI/CD until there's official CRUK one took place


  • Increment the version number in package.json.
  • Increment the version number in composer.json.
  • Run npm run build to rebuild.
  • Commit and create a new release in github.
  • Publish to NPM.

Adding patterns

  • Patterns should be fully self-contained (don't rely on bootstrap, jQuery, etc).
  • Add a twig file to the patterns directory. (See section on naming)
  • Add a jsx file to the patterns directory. (See section on naming)
  • Add a scss file to the patterns directory. (See section on naming)
  • If the pattern requires scripted behaviour, add a vanilla js file to the patterns directory. (See section on naming)
  • Add pattern name to main.js in the getPatternList() method.
  • Add JSX component to main.js as an import/export.
  • Import pattern scss file in scss/all.scss.
  • Run npm run build to rebuild.

File naming

Files should be named consistently as {pattern-name}.{extension}. For example: foo-pattern.twig. Sub-patterns look like type.variant.twig.


  • Themable - e.g. rfl, su2c, etc. have different color schemes
  • Display patterns visually using github pages or similar
  • Provide some way to document each pattern, including what arguments it accepts
  • Add more global styles, reset, etc
  • Improve styles! Horizontal and vertical rhythm would be nice
  • Break up the patterns directory into sub-dirs
  • Add all the missing patterns
  • Reduce the effort involved in adding new patterns
  • Extend for other technologies (E.g. React Native, react styled components)
  • CI/CD
  • Compile a CSS file and push to S3 on build
  • Exclude build folder
  • Design system automation

Track progress here:

Design System

Objective: A design system to fit current workflow and easy to integrate with exist Pattern Library. Simple to use, non-opinionated and doesn't expect you to write your markup or code in any particular way.



Currently this design system is powered up by Astrum. It’s small one page application which simply loop the files (by giving path) and output to the page. A config file data.json to store the path, group, title ..etc.

New file structure

With new structure and custom code, Astrum will loop through patterns folder and output html markup and description file. I also modify the layout, separate pages into top navigation.



Such as colour, typography, grid layout, body text, base theme


Any components submitted through pattern builder.

Currently it points to ./patterns

Ideally, under each component file structure:



  • Make data.json auto-generated to reduce manual process even more.
  • Make pages nested so they can have sub-pages
  • Read data from data store and fetch from API ?