
Rail or derail your confidential data and also bound it with time limitation.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cryptnp from '';



Utility to rail and derail (encrypt or decrypt) confidential data and also set the time limitation if you want to.

Install :

npm install cryptnp

Usage :

Create an instance of cryptnp. Pass a secret key into the constructor. Use .rail(data, expiresAt?) to rail your data and .derail(railed_data) to derail the railed data.

    const CryptNp = require('cryptnp')
    => Creating an instance
    "deepestsecret" or anything you
    can think of is a secret key
    used to rail or derail your data.
    const cnp = new CryptNp("deepestsecret")
    => .rail(data, expiresAt?)
    data : data can be object, string, integer or anything.
    expiresAt : It is an optional. If you leave it blank then your
    railed data will never expire. Expiry time limit should
    be set in minutes value.
    const railed = cnp.rail({msg: "Hello world!"}, 20) // 20 = 20 minutes
    => .derailed(railed)

    railed: railed data
    const derailed = cnp.derail(railed)
    console.log(derailed) // this will return undefined after 20minutes since it is generated

Note: Do not use cryptnp to hash passwords.

Use cases :

  1. User verification.
  2. E2E encrypted program.