
- [Before use](#before-use) - [Requeriment](#requeriment) - [Create new Components](#create-new-components) - [Clone and install the repository](#clone-and-install-the-repository) - [Create a new folder and component files like this](#create-a-new-f

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cvLibAppComponents from '';


Table of Content

Before use


Names Version
classnames ^2
prop-types 15.7
react ^16
react-dom ^16
react-test-renderer ^16
@material-ui/core ^4.8.0
@material-ui/icons ^4.5.1
styled-components ^4.4.1

Create new Components

Clone and install the repository

git clone
cd cv-lib-app-components && npm ci

Create a new folder and component files like this

alt text

Component.js : Component code : Component documentation and examples

styles.js : Component styles (styled-components and material ones) [OPTIONAL]

Add component to StyleGuidist config file

file : styleguide.config.js

alt text

name : Section title

components : Section components

content : Extra section Information

Add component to RollUp config

Rollup is the library responsible for generating the dist folder

file : rollup.config.js

alt text

key : Component name (It will be used on dist)

value : The path of component main file


Run Styleguidist

npm start

Check Eslint

npm run eslint

Generate dist folder

npm run build

Prepare S3 files

npm run build:prod