
Redux-like state driver for Cycle.js

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cycleStateDriver from '';



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Redux-like state driver for Cycle.js

Note: All examples has written with TypeScript. You can use cycle-state-driver without TypeScript as well.

Write actions and reducer just like in Redux:

// actions.ts
type Action
  = { type: 'Inc' }
  | { type: 'Dec' }

function inc(): Action {
  return { type: 'Inc' }

function dec(): Action {
  return { type: 'Dec' }

// reducer.ts
interface State {
  count: number,

function (state: State, action: Action): State {
  switch(action.type) {
    case 'Inc': {
      return {
        count: state.count + 1,

    case 'Dec': {
      return {
        count: state.count - 1,

Connect driver just like any other driver for Cycle.js

import * as actions from './actions'

export interface Sources {
  DOM: DOMSource,
  state: StateSource<State, actions.Action, typeof actions>,

export interface Sinks {
  DOM: Stream<VNode>,
  state: Stream<Action>,

function main(sources: Sources): Sinks {
  // ...

run(main, {
  DOM: makeDOMDriver('#app'),
  state: makeStateDriver(initialState, actions, reducer),

Use driver:

function main(sources: Sources): Sinks {
  // Make Virtual DOM depends on state
  const vdom$ = sources.state.$.map(state => {
    return div([
      span(`count: ${state.$.count}`),
      button('.inc', '+'),
      button('.dec', '-'),

  // All actions typed
  // You can not dispatch not defined action
  const { actions } = sources.state
  const action$ = xs.merge('.inc').events('click').mapTo(,'.dec').events('click').mapTo(actions.dec()),

  return {
    DOM: vdom$,
    state: action$,