
Reporting library for Cypress tests.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cypressDashboard from '';


Cypress dashboard

Tests reporting dashboard with the simplest possible setup there is.

Pie chart shows percentage of failing and passing tests. List on the right scrolls automatically and shows all spec files with number of tests passing for each. Two containers on the bottom show tests in two specs files and after a while replaces it with list for next spec in line.


npm install cypress-dashboard

Output example

Dashboard view

Report output example

Detailed view

Report output example

Setup example

// cypress.json
  "reporter": "cypress-dashboard",
  "reporterOptions": {
    "reportDir": "cypress/reports",
    "isLocalDeployment": true

Reporter Options

reportDir | string

Location where to store report

isLocalDeployment | boolean

If true all static files will use location on disc for reference, otherwise it will use relative href path.

reportType | string

Type of report you want. Default value is dashboard. Set to "details" if you want detailed view.

refreshInterval | int

Number of milliseconds saying how often do you want to refresh the page. Default value is 10 minutes.

dashboardTitle | string

Title to be displayed at the top of the dashboard. Default title is "Cypress reports".