
2021 Create-a-thon Science Initiative Component Library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import czifui from '';



A multi-product design system that offers a library of high quality reusable components, that deliver a predictable, accessible, and easy-to-learn experiences that democratize access to tools & technologies for scientists.


CZIF Science Initiative Component Library

Demo Site

Get Started


npm i czifui


yarn add czifui

NOTE: Please make sure the peer dependencies are installed as well

Peer Dependencies

⚠️ WARNING: Currently we require Material UI v4, even though Material UI v5 was released in September 2021 ⚠️

In order to avoid installing multiple versions of the same library in the host project, which could cause bugs, the component library does NOT have its own dependencies.

Therefore, please kindly ensure your project includes the following dependencies in your project's package.json:


Install the peer dependencies in your project:

npm i @emotion/css @emotion/react @emotion/styled @material-ui/core @material-ui/icons @material-ui/lab react react-dom


yarn add @emotion/css @emotion/react @emotion/styled @material-ui/core @material-ui/icons @material-ui/lab react react-dom


czifui comes with Storybook integration, so you can browse the components locally by following the steps below:

  1. Cloning the repo: git clone
  2. Run: yarn && yarn start
  3. A new browser tab will be automatically opened with the storybook!


It's super useful to read the *.stories.tsx files to see how the components are used in real examples. You can also find additional examples in Aspen, which uses czifui extensively

Default Theme


To use the default theme, please do the following:

  1. Add the following HTML to your index.html at the <head> section:

    <link rel="preconnect" href="" />
  2. Import the default theme object and use it in Material UI's <ThemeProvider />:

      import { defaultTheme } from "czifui";
      import { StylesProvider, ThemeProvider } from "@material-ui/core/styles";
       import { ThemeProvider as EmotionThemeProvider } from "@emotion/react";
     <StylesProvider injectFirst>
       <EmotionThemeProvider theme={defaultTheme}>
         <ThemeProvider theme={defaultTheme}>
           <YourApp />
  3. Optional: If you want to override the default theme, please use defaultAppTheme, override the options, and then call createTheme to generate the full theme object like below. This is needed because createTheme generates extra theme variables based on the themeOptions provided, so if you override defaultTheme directly, some auxillary theme variables will be based on defaultAppTheme instead of your own custom options

  import { ThemeProvider as EmotionThemeProvider } from "@emotion/react";
  import { defaultAppTheme, makeThemeOptions } from "czifui";
  import { StylesProvider, ThemeProvider } from "@material-ui/core/styles";
  import createTheme from "@material-ui/core/styles/createTheme";

  const customTheme = {

  const appTheme = makeThemeOptions({ ...defaultAppTheme, ...customTheme })

  const theme = createTheme(appTheme)

    <StylesProvider injectFirst>
      <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
        <EmotionThemeProvider theme={theme}>
          <YourApp />

💡 Aspen example available here

Design System

czifui implements the Science Initiative Design System as documented in Figma. As a result, it's very useful to get familiar with the available theme variables, such as colors, spacings, typography, etc., so you can leverage the theme properly in your application.

Science Design System Reference file in Figma with Pages outlined in the left panel (NOTE: Please use the left panel to find different types of components (Bases, Genes, DNA, and Chromosomes))

How to Use

czifui comes with four main exports that help you build your app following the design system:

  1. Components - Components that implement the design system

    E.g., Alert, Button, Menu

    Source: src/core

    NOTE: Since most of the czifui components are built on top of Material UI's equivalent, it's also super useful to use their API documentation (NOTE: We are still on MUI v4 in the short term) to learn about what you can do with the components

  2. Mixins - Mixins defined by the design system

    E.g., fontBodyL, fontHeaderM, fontCapsXxs

    Source: src/core/styles/common/mixins

  3. Selectors - Helper functions that pick out theme variables for you

    E.g., getSpaces, getColors, getCorners, getFontWeights

    Source: src/core/styles/common/selectors

  4. CSS & SCSS Variables

E.g., CSS: --sds-color-beta-400, --sds-spaces-m; SCSS: $sds-color-beta-400, $sds-spaces-m

Source: src/common/styles-dictionary

These stylesheets can be imported into the index.js file of your application to make use of czifui's standard styles in projects that use SCSS or CSS modules to style the front end:

// example using create-react-app structure
// index.js

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
// If you need css
import "czifui/dist/variables.css";
// If you need scss
import "czifui/dist/_variables.scss";
import "./index.css";
import App from "./App";


    import { fontBodyM, getColors, getSpaces } from "czifui";

    export const Foo = styled.div`
      // This is the design system's font body medium mixin we import from czifui

      // This is the regular css rules
      overflow: auto;

      // This is a callback function that returns more CSS rules, but the only way
      // to access the custom theme object
      ${(props) => {
        // getColors() is a selector that picks out colors from the theme object
        const colors = getColors(props);
        // getSpaces() is a selector that picks out spacings from the theme object
        const spacings = getSpaces(props);

        return `
          background-color: ${colors?.gray[500]};
          padding-bottom: ${spacings?.m}px;
          margin-bottom: ${spacings?.xxl}px;

NOTE: If you are not familiar with styled(), please check out Emotion's styled() API here

NOTE II: You can find more examples in the repo's *.stories.tsx and Aspen


  1. Why wrapping a component with styled() doesn't style the root element as expected?

    This is likely because the component is NOT forwarding the css class name that styled() generates to the intended root element. So we likely need to update the czif component to make it work

    For example, if a czif component Foo has the following implementation, styled(Foo) won't style the wrapper <div /> as expected:

    function Foo() {
      return (
          <ChildA />
          <ChildB />

    The fix is:

    function Foo({className}) {
      return (
        <div className={className}>
          <ChildA />
          <ChildB />
  2. To style a sub-component of a czif component, typically we export the sub-component for the call site to import and style via styled, and then you will be able to pass back the styled sub-component to the czif component through prop

    For example, ComplexFilter exports ComplexFilterInputDropdown sub-component, so if you want to style it, you can do the following:

    import { ComplexFilter, ComplexFilterInputDropdown } from 'czifui'
    import styled from '@emotion/styled'
    const StyledComplexFilterInputDropdown = styled(ComplexFilterInputDropdown)`
     color: pink;
    function Foo() {
      return <ComplexFilter InputDropdownComponent={StyledComplexFilterInputDropdown} />

Project status

This project is under active development. Contributions and ideas are welcome! If you would like to contribute, check out the contribution guidelines or open an issue. This project is governed under the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Reporting Security Issues

Please note: If you believe you have found a security issue, please responsibly disclose by contacting us at More information is in our Security Readme

2021 Plans

2021 Plans