
Components for DHIS2 apps

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import d2UiComponentsTesting from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/d2-ui-components-testing';



Dialog Button

A button that opens a modal info dialog when clicked.

import { Icon, IconButton } from "@material-ui/core";
import { DialogButton } from "d2-ui-components";

const MyDialogHandler = () => (
        contents="This is some help message"
            ({ onClick }) => (
                <IconButton tooltip="Help" onClick={onClick}>
                    <Icon color="primary">help</Icon>

Confirmation Dialog

A wrapper that creates all the logic needed to build a modal dialog.

import { ConfirmationDialog } from "d2-ui-components";

const MyDialog = () => (
        title={"Delete Instance?"}
        description={"Are you sure you want to delete this instance?"}

Date Picker

import { DatePicker } from "d2-ui-components";

const MyDatePicker = () => (
        label="Label of the TextInput component"
        value={new Date("2019/01/30")}
        onChange={newValue => console.log(newValue)}

Multiple Selector

import { MultipleSelector } from "d2-ui-components";

const MyMultipleSelector = () => (
        onChange={values => console.log("New selected values", values)}
        options={[{text: "Option 1", value: "id1"}, {text: "Option 2", value: "id2"}]}

Simple checkbox

Visually similar to material-ui checkbox but much lighter, useful when you have lots of checks in a page.

import { SimpleCheckBox } from "d2-ui-components";

const MySimpleCheckBox = () => (
        onClick={values => console.log("Checkbox was clicked")}

Organisation Units selector

import { OrgUnitsSelector }  from "d2-ui-components";

const MyOrgUnitsSelector = () => (
        onChange={orgUnitsPaths => console.log("Selected orgUnitPaths", orgUnitsPaths)}
        selected={["/ImspTQPwCqd/O6uvpzGd5pu", "/ImspTQPwCqd/PMa2VCrupOd"]}
        levels={[1, 2]}
        listParams={{ maxLevel: 4 }}

Snackbar feedback

There should be a unique snackbar for the whole app, so we need to insert a single provider in the main component:

import { SnackbarProvider }  from "d2-ui-components";

const MyAppWithSnackbar = (
        <MyApp />

To use it, create a HOC with withSnackbar, add snackbar to your propTypes, and show messages using the functions props.snackbar[.level]. Levels supported: success, error, info, warning.

import { withSnackbar } from "d2-ui-components";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";

const MyComponent = ({name, snackbar}) => (
        <a onClick={() => snackbar.success(name)}>Success</a>
        <a onClick={() => snackbar.error(name)}>Error</a>
        <a onClick={() => snackbar.info(name)}>Info</a>
        <a onClick={() => snackbar.warning(name)}>Warning</a>

MyComponent.propTypes = {
    name: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
    snackbar: PropTypes.object.isRequired,

export default withSnackbar(MyComponent);

Loading Mask

There should be a unique loading mask for the whole app, so we need to insert a single provider in the main component:

import { LoadingProvider }  from "d2-ui-components";

const MyAppWithLoadingMask = (
        <MyApp />

To use it, create a HOC with withLoading, add loading to your propTypes, and show the mask using the functions props.loading.show().

import { withLoading } from "d2-ui-components";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";

const MyComponent = ({name, loading}) => (
        <a onClick={() => loading.show()}>Show loading mask</a>
        <a onClick={() => loading.show(false)}>Hide loading mask</a>
        <a onClick={() => loading.hide()}>Also hides loading mask</a>
        <a onClick={() => loading.show(true, 'Message', 35)}>Show loading mask with extra information</a>
        <a onClick={() => loading.updateMessage('String')}>Update message</a>
        <a onClick={() => loading.updateProgress(98)}>Update progress</a>
        <a onClick={() => loading.reset()}>Hide and clear message/progress</a>

MyComponent.propTypes = {
    name: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
    loading: PropTypes.object.isRequired,

export default withLoading(MyComponent);

Objects table

Display D2 objects in a table with:

  • Sortable columns.
  • Filters: By default, it shows a search bar to filter by name, custom filters can be added.
  • Details sidebar.
  • Configurable context actions.
  • Pagination.
  • Create button action.

Whenever you want to update the objects table, pass a different key prop (i.e new Date()), as you would do with any other React component.

const columns = [
    { name: "displayName", text: i18n.t("Name"), sortable: true },
    { name: "publicAccess", text: i18n.t("Public access"), sortable: true },
    { name: "lastUpdated", text: i18n.t("Last updated"), sortable: true },

const detailsFields = [
    { name: "displayName", text: i18n.t("Name") },
    { name: "code", text: i18n.t("Code") },
    { name: "href", text: i18n.t("API link") },

const actions = [
        name: "details",
        text: i18n.t("Details"),
        multiple: false,
        type: "details",
        name: "delete",
        text: i18n.t("Delete"),
        multiple: true,

const CustomFilters = (
    <Checkbox ... />

const MyObjectsTable = () => (
        initialSorting={["displayName", "asc"]}
        onButtonClick={() => console.log("Floating button clicked")}
        buttonLabel={someString || <SomeComponent >}
        list={list} // list(d2, filters, pagination) -> {pager, objects}
        customFilters={{key1: "value1", key2: "value2}}
        onSelectionChange={objectIds => console.log(objectIds)}


Display a Step by Step customizable wizard

const getStepsBaseInfo = [
        key: "general-info",
        label: "General info",
        component: GeneralInfoStep,
        validationKeys: ["name"],
        description: "Description for a wizard step",
        help: "Help text",
        key: "summary",
        label: "Summary",
        component: SaveStep,
        validationKeys: [],
        description: undefined,
        help: undefined,

onStepChangeRequest = async currentStep => {
    return getValidationMessages(

const MyWizard = props => {
    const steps = getStepsBaseInfo.map(step => ({
        props: {
            onCancel: () => console.log("User wants to cancel the wizard!"),

    const urlHash = props.location.hash.slice(1);
    const stepExists = steps.find(step => step.key === urlHash);
    const firstStepKey = steps.map(step => step.key)[0];
    const initialStepKey = stepExists ? urlHash : firstStepKey;
    const lastClickableStepIndex = props.isEdit ? steps.length - 1 : 0;

    return (


$ yarn install

Run tests, linter and prettier:

$ yarn code-quality

To publish a new package to npmjs:

$ yarn build && yarn publish build/


  • Import i18n from utils module (import i18n from "../utils/i18n";) then use it: i18n.t("Some literal"). This uses @dhis2/i18n infrastructure with namespace d2-ui-components.

  • Do not call i18n.t("Some literal") on module or class level, only within functions. At that point, the locale is not yet selected, and you'll get always the default English translations.

Update an existing language

$ yarn update-po
# ... add/edit translations in po files ...
$ yarn localize

Create a new language

$ cp i18n/en.pot i18n/es.po
# ... add translations to i18n/es.po ...
$ yarn localize