
Patch for the [dargs][] package, that adds support for single flags. Convert an object of options into an array of command-line arguments.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dargsFork from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dargs-fork';


dargs-fork npmjs.com The MIT License npm downloads

Patch for the dargs package, that adds support for single flags. Convert an object of options into an array of command-line arguments.

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See readme of dargs!

That's just a fork with patch for single flag support, sindresorhus/dargs#32 - PRs there are welcome, so if you want create one and please ping me. :)


Install with npm

$ npm i dargs-fork --save


For more use-cases see the tests

const dargs = require('dargs-fork')

const input = {
    _: ['some', 'option'],          // values in '_' will be appended to the end of the generated argument list
    foo: 'bar',
    hello: true,                    // results in only the key being used
    cake: false,                    // prepends `no-` before the key
    camelCase: 5,                   // camelCase is slugged to `camel-case`
    multiple: ['value', 'value2'],  // converted to multiple arguments
    pieKind: 'cherry',
    sad: ':('

const excludes = ['sad', /.*Kind$/]  // excludes and includes accept regular expressions
const includes = ['camelCase', 'multiple', 'sad', /^pie.*/]
const aliases = {file: 'f'}

console.log(dargs(input, {excludes}))

console.log(dargs(input, {excludes, includes}))

console.log(dargs(input, {includes}))

    foo: 'bar',
    hello: true,
    file: 'baz'
}, {aliases}))
    '-f', 'baz'


  • dargs: Reverse minimist. Convert an object of options into an array of command-line… more | homepage
  • gitclone-cli: Simple command line interface for the git clone command, using gitclone and… more | homepage
  • gitclone: Powerful and flexible programmatic interface for the git clone command, using [gitclone-defaults… more | homepage
  • minibase: MiniBase is minimalist approach to Base - @node-base, the awesome framework. Foundation… more | homepage
  • unzy: Minimalist, extremely pluggable, programmatic Git interface for node.js, built on MiniBase. | homepage


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.
But before doing anything, please read the CONTRIBUTING.md guidelines.

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