
npm i -g dark-slack

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import darkSlack from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dark-slack';



Get the theme cli (mac and windows)

npm i -g dark-slack

Install and update the nicest dark slack theme

Usage: dark-slack [theme=b] [options]

    -i --install    Fetch and install the latest css from laCour/slack-night-mode 
                      NOTE: please be weary of installing remote CSS
    --add-css       Append additional css from a local file to the patch

  Themes (alias   name):
    o    original
    b    black
    ad   arc-dark
    am   aubergine-monospaced
    a    aubergine
    bm   black-monospaced
    mbm  midnight-blue-monospaced
    mb   midnight-blue
    sd   solarized-dark
    sl   solarized-light