
datart frontend cli

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import datartFeCli from '';


Datart FrontEnd CLI

Use real CLI to setup frontend component, file, redux related and etc

🌈Inspired by arminbro👏🏻 More Opitons Infomation, please check here


Note: Please update package before use it, run command npm update -g datart-fe-cli@latest

run command npm install -g datart-fe-cli@latest

How to Use

[Optional] Copy file datart-cli-config.json from .datart-cli folder if cannot find type. Note: if not setup cli config, please run datart-fe-cli component [ComponentName] --path=[ComponentRootPath] step by step


command alias: - component: c

[ComponentName]: the target component name, like MyViz [ComponentRootPath]: the target component output path, like dist/component

create standard component

run command datart-fe-cli c [ComponentName] --path=[ComponentRootPath] --type=full

create cutomized standard component

run command datart-fe-cli c [ComponentName] --path=[ComponentRootPath] --type=default [--withTest=false|--withStyle=false|--withLazy=false]

create viz-style component

run command datart-fe-cli c [ComponentName] --path=[ComponentRootPath] --type=vizStyle


Note: if not setup cli config, please run sudo node ./bin/generate step by step

run sudo node ./bin/generate component [ComponentName]

Publish to NPM

npm publish .