
The database REPL console for modern node.js app.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dbConsole from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/db-console';


DB Console

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The database REPL console for modern node.js app.

Design Philosophy

There isn't a tool in javaScript world which behaves similar to Ruby on Rails' rails console. This is really a handy feature: opening up an REPL console and executing some model commands. However, javaScript is more like a split world. I want to make a generic console tool to hook into different ORM environments.


It's recommended to install this locally to your package.

npm install --save-dev db-console

And add the following to your scripts field in package.json.

"console": "db-console"


DB Console read configurations from several places.

  1. dbConsole field in package.json
  2. configuration file which default name is .dbconsolerc
  3. command line arguments


Configuration file take precedence over dbConsole field. And command line arguments have the highest precedence. You can overwrite any configuration with command line arguments.

Free Format

You can write configuration file in any format you want. If the file doesn't have extension, DB Console tries to treat it as json, cson or yaml and load. If the file has extension, supported types include js, json, ts, coffee, cson and yaml.


You can use --config-file to make DB Console load the configuration file you want. In this case, the default configuration file is ignored.


  • -h, --help view db-console's help

  • -v, --version view db-console's version

  • -c, --config-file string the config file to load

  • -H, --history-file string the history file to use

  • -o, --orm string the orm library of the models

  • -d, --db string the database connection url

  • -m, --models string, regexp, [string], [regexp] model files matcher

  • -b, --model-base-directory string executing model files matcher in this directory

  • -p, --prompt string the shape of the prompt

Supported ORMs

  • mongoose
  • sequelize
  • sequelize-typescript
  • typegoose
  • typeorm


MIT © Zhang Kai Yu