
Traverse at the lowest level of iterables

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import deepIterable from '';




  • Node >= 6.0.0


  • Traverse at the lowest level of iterables



var DeepIterable = require('deep-iterable');
var result = new DeepIterable(base, deeper, shallower, preprocess);


  • DeepIterable is a ECMAScript 6 class

  • base is either the first argument of preprocess or an iterable object

  • deeper (optional) is a function which determines should the iteration process goes deeper

  • shallower (optional) is a function which would be called each times the iteration process escape a sub-iterable

  • preprocess (optional) is a function which should creates and returns iterable objects from passed elements

  • result which is an instance of class DeepIterable, is an iterable object


With a base iterable only

var tree = [['abc', 'def'], 'ghi', new Set(['jkl', ['mno']]), 'pqrs', ...'tuv', [...'wxyz']];
var iterable = new DeepIterable(tree);
console.log([...iterable]); // You would seen an array of alphabet-subsequences

Plus a deep determiner: deeper

var tree = [new Set('abc'), ['def', ...'ghi'].map((e) => new Set(e))];
var deeper = (iterable) => !(iterable instanceof Set);
var iterable = new DeepIterable(tree);
console.log([...iterable]); // You would seen an array of ECMAScript Set objects

Plus an on-escape reactor: shallower

var tree = [['abc', 'def'], 'ghi', new Set(['jkl', ['mno']]), 'pqrs', ...'tuv', [...'wxyz']];
var deeper = (child, parent) => {
    console.log(`Entering to [${child}] from [${parent}]`);
    return typeof child !== 'string' || child.length > 1; // You don't want an infinite iteration, right?
var shallower = (child, parent) =>
    console.log(`Escaping from [${child}] to [${parent}]`);
var iterable = new DeepIterable(tree, deeper, shallower);
iterable.runthrough(); // You would seen many entering/escaping logs

Plus a sub-iterables/elements creator: preprocess

var universe = {
    Chaos: {
        Tartarus: {
            Typhon: {}
        Gaia: {
            Uranus: {
                Aphrodite: {},
                Cyclopes: {},
                Cronus: {
                    Zeus: {
                        Appollo: {},
                        Artemis: {},
                        Athena: {},
                        Ares: {},
                        Hephaestus: {}
                    Hera: {
                        Ares: {},
                        Hephaestus: {}
                    Poseidon: {},
                    Hestia: {},
                    Hades: {},
                    Demeter: {}
                Rhea: {}
            Ourea: {},
            Pontus: {}

var deeper = (iterable) =>
    typeof iterable !== 'string';

var preprocess = (object) => {
    if (typeof object === 'string') {
        return object;
    var first = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object);
    var second = => object[pname]);
    return [...first, ...second];

var iterable = new DeepIterable(universe, deeper, undefined, preprocess);
console.log([...iterable]); // You would seen all the names listed above