
demolishedcompressor pack's a javascript file into a PNG image with an HTML payload. When opened in a browser, the HTML extracts and executes the javascript.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import demolishedcompressor from '';



demolishedCompressor pack's a .js/json/text file into a PNG image with an optinal HTML payload.

The default behavior is when a packed file opened in a browser the HTML is extracted and the javascript executes. This option (default) is designed to pack/compress 4k, 8k and 64k demos build using Javascript into one "executable".

By using the external/custom unpacker you can pack 1-n resources and take advantage of demolishedcompressor and its functionality.


npm install demolishedcompressor


Compress/Pack ( Pngify )

Pngify(src: string, dest: string, preHTML?: string, customScript?: string): Promise<any>

TypeScript definition

static Mjolnir(src: string, dest: string, map: any): Promise<any>;
static Pngify(src: string, dest: string, preHTML?: string, customScript?: string): Promise<any>;



Default (built-in unpack)

Do not pass customScript

Custom unpacker

Your custom unpacker javascript must consist of a function named z() , this is called by default.

Here follows an example

z = function() {

c = String.fromCharCode;
q = document.querySelector.bind(document);
i = q("img");
x = q("#c").getContext("2d");
d = x.getImageData(0, 0, i.width, i.height).data;
b = [];
s = 1E6;
p = b.push.bind(b);    
l = function(a) {
    var w = (a / d.length) * 100;
    q("#p").style.width = w + "%";
    for (i = a; i < a + s && i < d.length; i += 4) p(c(d[i])), p(c(d[i + 1])), p(c(d[i + 2]));
    a < d.length ? setTimeout(function() {
        l(a + s)
    }, 100) : (s = b.join("").replace(/\\0/g, " "), (0, eval)(s),q("#p").style.display = "h")

see example/compress-custom.ts for a complete example

Create an instance of unpacker

 let instance = U.I();

Unpack a file

instance.F("packedfile.png",  (result) => {
   // deal with the unpacked result
   // i.e JSON.parse, eval etc.  

TypeScript definition

declare class U {
u(i: HTMLImageElement, cb: (result: any) => {}): void;
F(file: string, cb: (result: any) => {}): void;
static I(): U;


How to compress a file that automatically unpacks and executes when opened

 import { Compressor } from 'demolishedcompressor';

const html = '<p>replace this with your html</p>'

// packs foo.js into output.png.html


Compile and run the script

How to compress a file that will use external/custom unpacker

import { Compressor } from 'demolishedcompressor';

// packs /tiny/rawsong.json into tiny.png

let html = ``;


Compile and run the script

Live example's

Below you find a short description of each example as well as links that lets you se the result.

Example 1

This example uses demolishedPlayer (WebGL & GLSL Shader rendering engine), demolishedSynth (DSP/Procedual audio) and procedual textures created using demolishedTexture and GLSL Shader code and some custom markup.

Unpacked size 12173 bytes, packed result is 6235 without any major minification of code.

Note , Click the canvas to start audio.

Example 2

This example packs a song created using Efflux ( ) unpacks and plays the song.

Example 3