
JavaScript bindings for Philomena JSON API. Supports sites such as Derpibooru and Furbooru.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dinkyJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dinky.js';



JavaScript bindings for Philomena JSON API. Supports sites such as Derpibooru and Furbooru.

ESLint CI Code Coverage


You can install this package from npm:

npm install dinky.js

Or with yarn:

yarn add dinky.js


Dinky implements individual class for each API resourse to build a request. All requests will return a Promise that resolves data taken from API.

  1. The minimal example that will return an image by known ID:
import {Images} from "dinky.js"

const images = new Images()

// The following request will return the 1th uploaded image from Derpibooru.
// Equivalent to https://derpibooru.org/api/v1/json/images/0 request
  1. Search for images by their tags using the Search class:
import {Search} from "dinky.js"

const search = new Search()

// You can specify tags right in the .query() method
// The following example is equivalent of this requests:
// https://derpibooru.org/api/v1/json/search/images?q=artist:rainbow,safe&sf=random&per_page=1
search.query(["artist:rainbow", "safe"]).random().limit(1)
  1. Every dinky.js class constructor allows to set a custom base URL, allowing you to use it with any Philomena compatible APIs.
import {Search} from "dinky.js"

const search = new Search({url: "https://furbooru.org"})

search.query(["safe", "loona"]).then(console.log)
  1. Every class keeps its state between request, which means you can re-use same object to perform multiple requests.
import {Search} from "dinky.js"

const search = new Search()

  .query(["scootaloo", "princess luna", "safe", "sleepless in ponyville"])

// Will search for random image with parameters from above
await search

// ...and once more
await search
  1. You can navigate through search results with .page() method. Note that after each .page() call you have to send a new request to API:
import {Search} from "dinky.js"

const search = new Search()

serch.query("twilight sparkle").minScore(200)

// Search class is thenable, so you don't have to call `.exec()`,`.then()` and `.catch()` methods to commit a request.
// By default, will API will return results from the first page
await search

// Results for 2nd page
await search.page(2)
  1. You can set a filter to use for requests:
import {Search} from "dinky.js"

const search = new Search({filter: 37430})

search.query(["dinky", "derpy hooves"])

await search.exec()

// You can also set per-request filter from .exec() method
await search.exec({filter: 100073})
  1. Search for "my:faves" images using a key taken from account page:
import {Search} from "dinky.js"

const search = new Search({key: "<your key here>"})

search.query(["trixie", "safe"]).faves()


class Images > Entities

constructor() -> {Images}

Creates a request handler for /api/v1/json/images

Instance methods

getById(id) -> {Promise<object>}

Returns an image with given ID

featured() -> {Promise<object>}

Returns featured image

class Comments > Entities

constructor() -> {Comments}

Creates a request handler for /api/v1/json/comments.

Instance methods

getById(id) -> {Promise<object>}

Returns a comment with given ID

class Tags > Entities

constructor() -> {Tags}

Creates a request handler for /api/v1/json/tags.

Instance methods

getById(id) -> {Promise<object>}

Returns a tag with given ID

class Profiles > Entities

constructor() -> {Profiles}

Creates a request handler for /api/v1/json/tags.

Instance methods

getById(id) -> {Promise<object>}

Returns a user with given ID

class Search > Request

constructor() -> {Search}

Creates a request handler for /api/v1/json/search.

Instance methods

query([list]) -> {Search}

Appends list of query params to the current search request. This method will not apply the q= parameter to if called without arguments.

  • {string | string[]} [list = []] – list of query params you want to append
faves() -> {Search}

Sets my:faves param to the search request.

Note that this method requires user's key.

watched() -> {Search}

Sets my:watched param to the search request.

Note that this method requires user's key.

upvotes() -> {Search}

Sets my:upvotes param to the search request.

Note that this method requires user's key.

downvotes() -> {Search}

Sets my:downvotes param to the search request.

Note that this method requires user's key.

uploads() -> {Search}

Sets my:uploads param to the search request.

Note that this method requires user's key.

favedBy(user) -> {Search}

Search for images faved by given user.

  • {string} user – name of the user on Derpibooru
uploadedBy(user) -> {Search}

Search for images uploaded by given user.

  • {string} user – name of the user on Derpibooru
limit(value) -> {Search}

Specifies how many images per page should API return

  • {number} value – an amount of images you want to take. The value must be in range of 1 and 50.
minScore(value) -> {Search}

Sets the minimal score of requested images.

  • {number} value – a value of minimal score
maxScore(value) -> {Search}

Sets the maximal score of requested images

  • {number} value – a value of maximal score
random() -> {Search}

Sets the "sf" parameter to "random"

class Entities > Request

constructor() -> {Entities}

Creates an Entity providing a few common methods for Images, Comments and Tags

Instance methods

getById(id) -> {Promise<object>}

Finds an entity by given ID

class Request

constructor() -> {Request}

Creates a new request handler.

Instance methods

Sets images ordering to descending

page(offset) -> {Request}

Sets the page offset

  • {number} [offset = 1] – The page offset.
exec([options]) -> {Promise<object>}

Executes current request.

  • {object} options – a set of options to use in request. They are have priority over the constructor options.
  • {string} [options.key = undefined] – your personal API key taken from your account settings
  • {number} [options.filter = undefined] – ID of a filter. The ID can be found on filters page
then(onFulfilled, onRejected) -> {Promise<object>}

This method takes up to two arguments: callback functions for the success and failure cases of the Promise. See Promise#then() documentation for more info.

catch(onRejected) -> {Promise<any>}

This method returns a Promise and deals with rejected cases only. See Promise#catch() documentation for more info.

class NetworkError > Error

constructor() -> {NetworkError}

This class can be used to check if network error was thrown.

Instance properties

response -> {Response}

Returns a Response object.

url -> {string}

Contains the URL of the response.

status -> {number}

Contains the status code of the response (e.g., 200 for a success).

statusText -> {string}

Contains the status message corresponding to the status code (e.g., OK for 200).


Another API bindings: