
Wrapper for the Divshot api

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import divshotApi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/divshot-api';


Divshot API

Wrapper for the Divshot API.




npm install divshot-api --save


bower install divshot --save


Refer to the Narrator api for a more in depth understanding of all available methods.

CommonJS (Node/Browserify)

var Divshot = require('divshot');


<script src="/path/to/divshot.standalone.min.js"></div>


var api = Divshot.createClient({
  client_id: '123abc', // MUST be specified
  email: 'someone@divshot.com',
  password: 'somepassword123!',
  // OR
  token: 'your divshot access token'

Browser Authentication

The Divshot API wrapper provides a simple, popup-based authentication mechanism for easily authenticating a user without requiring the handling of usernames or passwords. To use browser authentication, simply instantiate a client and call the auth method:

divshot.auth(type, options, callback)

This method returns a promise but takes an optional callback. type should be either password or github (defaults to password).

var api = Divshot.createClient({client_id: 'abc123'});

divshot.auth().then(function(response) {
  response.user; // user details
  response.access_token; //access token
}, function (error) {
  // do something with an error

Password Authentication

If you need to accept an email and password directly, you can do so as in the following example. Passwords MUST NOT be stored and should only come from direct user input (e.g. a form field).

divshot.auth('password', {email: 'abby@example.com', password: 'test123'}).then(function(response) {
  // works just as above
}, function (error) {
  // ditto

Cookie Token Storage

For convenience, the auth method allows you to store a cookie with an encoded access token to keep the user logged into Divshot. Simply pass the store: true option to auth:

api.auth({store: true}, function(error, token, user){
  // ...

This will automatically create a cookie on the current domain to store the access token for one week. On subsequent page loads you can use the authWithCookie() method to authenticate a client based on the cookie. This method will return true if a cookie was found and false otherwise.

if (api.authWithCookie()) {
  // cookie found, api is now authenticated and can
  // make calls to retrieve protected resources
} else {
  // no cookie found, display an auth button etc

Angular Module

Located at /dist/divshot.angular.js

angular.module('myApp', ['divshot'])
  .config(function (divshotProvider) {
      token: 'divshot_api_access_token'
  controller('SomeCtrl', function ($scope, divshot) {
    $scope.apps = divshot.apps.list();

Custom XHR arguments

Custom XHR arguments can be set to be sent with each request. Refer to Angular's $http documentation for which arguments are supported.

angular.module('myApp', ['divshot'])
  .config(function (divshotProvider) {
      token: 'divshot_api_access_token'
  controller('SomeCtrl', function ($scope, divshot) {
    // or
    divshot.xhr('withCredentials', true);


By default, the authenticate method will be called on each request as a pre hook. If a token is provided, this does not create another http request.

api.user.authenticate(function (err, token) {

  email: 'someone@divshot.com',
  password: 'somepassword123!',
  // OR
  token: 'some_really_long_access_token_from_divshot'

// User data
api.user.self().then(function (user) {
// OR
api.user.id(userId).get().then(function (user) {

// Update user
var user = api.user.id(userId);
  name: 'First Last'
}).then(function (user) {

// Set welcomed for new users
api.user.setWelcomed().then(function () {


// Delete account
api.user.deleteAcccount(user@email.com).then(function () {

User password

// Change password
  password: 'Password123',
  password_confirm: 'Password123'
}).then(function (res) {

// Reset password if forgotten
divshot.password.reset(userId).then(function (res) {

User Emails

// Add email
divshot.user.emails.add('something@aol.com').then(function (res) {

// Set primary email
divshot.user.emails.primary('something@aol.com').then(function (res) {

// Remove email
divshot.user.emails.remove('something@aol.com').then(function (res) {

// Resend email
divshot.user.emails.resend('something@aol.com').then(function (res) {


// Users orgs
divshot.organizations.list().then(function (orgs) {

// A single organization
divshot.organizations.id(someOrgId).get().then(function (org) {

// Apps from an organization
divshot.organizations.id(someOrgId).apps.list().then(function (apps) {

// Create organization
  name: 'name',
  nick: 'nick',
  billing_email: 'someone@aol.com',
  gravatar_email: 'someone@aol.com'
}).then(function (res) {

// Update organization
  name: 'name',
  billing_email: 'someone@aol.com',
  gravatar_email: 'someone@aol.com',
  etc: 'other stuff'
}).then(function (res) {

Organization Members

// Get org members
divshot.organizations.id(someOrg).members.list().then(function (members) {

// Invite members to organization
  name: email,
  email: email
}).then(function (res) {

// Update a member in organiztion
  admin: false // or true
}).then(function (res) {

// Remove a member from an organization
divshot.organizations.id(someOrg).members.id(memberId).remove().then(function () {


// List apps
api.apps.list().then(function (apps) {

// Create an app
api.apps.create('app-name').then(function (app) {

// Create an app from object
api.apps.createFromObject(params).then(function (app) {

// A specific app
var app = api.apps.id('app name');
app.get().then(function (app) {

// Delete an app
app.remove().then(function (res) {



app.builds.list(function (err, builds) {

app.builds.id('build id').get(function (err, build) {
  // Specific build by id

app.builds.id('build id').finalize(function (err, response) {

app.builds.id('build id').release('production', function (err, response) {


app.releases.list(function (err, releases) {

app.releases.env('production').get(function (err, release) {
  // Release by environment

app.releases.env('production').rollback(function (err, response) {

// Rollback to specific version
app.releases.env('production').rollbackTo('v12').then(function () {

app.releases.env('production').promote('staging', function (err, callback) {
  // Here, "staging" is the from environment
  // and "production" is the to-environment


// List domains for an app
app.domains.list().then(function(domains) {

// Add a domain
app.domains.add('www.domain.com').then(function (response) {

// Remove a domain
app.domains.remove('www.domain.com').then(function (response) {


Update data associated with an App's subscription

app.subscription.update('card number').then(function (res) {


Manipulate webhooks associated with your app

app.webhooks.list().then(function (response) {


app.webhooks.create({url: 'some-url.com', active: true}).then(function () {


app.webhooks.resume(hook).then(function () {


app.webhooks.pause(hook).then(function () {


app.webhooks.remove(hookId).then(function () {


App Environment Configuration

  auth: 'username:password'
}, function (err, response) {


grunt build