
download file like a vampire

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dlVampire from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dl-vampire';



download file like a vampire

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  • skip mechanism, local file & content-length
  • retry / timeout support
  • stream to file, not ate memory like the download module
  • download progress support, via awesome got module


$ npm i dl-vampire --save


const dl = require('dl-vampire')
const {Vamipre, readUrl} = dl

Promise<{skip: Boolean}> dl(options)

name type required default value description
options.url String true the download url
options.file String true the local target file path
options.onprogress function(progress) got downloadProgress event listener
options.retry Object {times: 5, timeout: false} retry options, will pass to promise.retry
options.skipExists boolean true if local file already exists AND file stat size match response content-length size, the download will be skiped
options.expectSize number validate local file stat.size === expectSize, if check pass the download will be skiped
options.expectHash string validate local file file.hash === expectHash, using expectHashAlgorithm if check pass the download will be skiped
options.expectHashAlgorithm string 'md5' the expect hash algorithm, default md5
options.useChromeUa Boolean true use user-agent of the Chrome Browser
options.requestOptions Object custom request options, see request options


name type description
options.retry.times Number max retry times
options.retry.timeout Number / false false disables timeout check, Number: max wait in ms
options.retry.onerror function(err, index) when retry happens, this hook will be called, whether a normal error or a timeout error, index is 0 based

more see https://github.com/magicdawn/promise.retry

ts def

export interface DlOptions
  extends VampireNewOptions,
    VampireDownloadOptions {
  retry?: RetryOptions

export default function dl(options: DlOptions): Promise<DownloadResult>

return type

  • if finally the download is skiped, the return promise will resolve to {skip: true}
  • else it will resolve to {skip: false}

new Vampire(options: VampireNewOptions)

export interface VampireNewOptions {
  useChromeUa?: boolean
  requestOptions?: Object

see types/index.d.ts file

Vampire#needDownload(options: VampireNeedDownloadOptions)

export interface VampireNeedDownloadOptions {
  url: string
  file: string

  // validate
  skipExists?: boolean
  expectSize?: number
  expectHash?: string
  expectHashAlgorithm?: string

see types/index.d.ts file

readUrl(options: ReadUrlOptions): Promise<string> | Promise<Buffer>

export interface ReadUrlOptions extends VampireNewOptions {
  url: string
  file?: string

  // download extra
  onprogress?: (p: DownloadProgressItem) => any
  retry?: RetryOptions

  // validate
  skipExists?: boolean
  expectSize?: number
  expectHash?: string
  expectHashAlgorithm?: string

  // extra
  encoding?: string

export function readUrl<T extends ReadUrlOptions>(
  options: T
): T extends {encoding: string} ? Promise<string> : Promise<Buffer>

see types/index.d.ts file




the MIT License http://magicdawn.mit-license.org