npm install dolphin-asset-manager-package --save
The factory has default methods:
- addPromise - the plugin will wait for your resolve then will execute own logic
- addVendorStyle - adding css content to vendor bundle
- addVendorScript - adding js content to vendor bundle
- addCustomStyles - adding css content to custom bundle
- addCustomScript - adding js content to custom bundle
- addAssetFolder - coping all assets
All files will copy and merge on 4 files:
- vendor-hash.js
- vendor-hash.css
- custom-hash.js
- custom-hash.css
and move to public
folder in root project. Also will build a json file bundle.result.json
for express to include js and css.
myModule.configureFactories(function (AssetManagerConfigurationFactory) {
AssetManagerConfigurationFactory.addVendorStyle('path to file or mask like ./*.css');
AssetManagerConfigurationFactory.addVendorScript('path to file or mask like ./*.js');
AssetManagerConfigurationFactory.addCustomStyles('path to file or mask like ./*.css');
AssetManagerConfigurationFactory.addCustomScript('path to file or mask like ./*.js');
AssetManagerConfigurationFactory.addAssetFolder('path to file or mask like ./*');