Provides a dolphin fact.
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English facts:
Want to contribute? Go ahead!
- Use the proper file for the fact.
- Facts go in text files in the langs folder.
- English facts go in
. - Any ISO 639 language is supported.
- If a file does not exist, feel free to create it!
- Please use spellcheck! If a spelling mistake is found, a correction will be requested.
- Pull requests for grammer and spelling corrections are welcome.
- All facts must be accompanied by a source.
- Avoid blogs and pictorial websites (links tend to break).
- Other websites on the subject must echo the same or similar fact (contradicting facts will be considered).
- Try to keep facts interesting and safe for work.
- A fact about the name of a bone in a dolphin's jaw is a lot less interesting than a fact about the number of teeth a dolphin has.
- Keep facts concise.
- If a fact involves sensitive matters, keep it scientific.